Dr. Pierre M. Ménard, Eng., MBA, DBA, PMP
PMI Fellow, 2003
A PMI member since 1978, Dr. Ménard has served on the PMI Board of Directors and on several PMI committees and task forces, both at global and local levels. Dr. Ménard's contributions have helped change the profession. He co-launched one of the first two degree programs by PMI in 1976, a program which was re-accredited under the current Global Accreditation Center (GAC) Standards. He was one of the contributors to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), which is internationally recognized as the premier reference source in project management. In 1977, Dr. Ménard was honored with the Canadian Leaders in Management Education Award, and in 1994, he received a PMI Distinguished Contribution Award. An accomplished author, he has presented numerous papers and directed several workshops at PMI Seminars & Symposia. He is a member of the PMI Montreal Chapter’s Board of Governors.