J. Kent Crawford, PMP

J. Kent Crawford

PMI Fellow, 2003

Kent Crawford is the founder and CEO of PM Solutions and is also founder and CEO of the firm’s training subsidiary, PM College. In addition to his executive role, he is an influential member of the project management community, highly respected as a thought leader. He is a sought-after speaker at business conferences worldwide and the author of The Strategic Project Office, a recipient of PMI’s David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award, and numerous other books, several of which are in their second editions. Mr. Crawford is a former president and chair of PMI, where he implemented innovative programs that resulted in an astounding 50 percent membership growth for the Institute. Besides being a PMI Fellow, Mr. Crawford is also a Fellow of the Project Management Association of India. Mr. Crawford established PM Solutions in 1996 as a virtual organization with the flexibility to rapidly respond to client needs globally. Its targeted offerings address business needs in organizational improvement, project execution, and learning and development. Under Mr. Crawford’s guidance, PM Solutions spearheaded numerous innovations, including the creation of a unique research program that has contributed over a dozen significant studies to our understanding of project management best practices and trends. Mr. Crawford also led PM Solutions in establishing the annual PMO of the Year Award, developing the first project manager competency assessment instrument and creating one of the first project management maturity models. PM Solutions has partnered with PMI on the PMO of the Year Award since 2013. Mr. Crawford is a popular dynamic speaker whose keynotes have enlightened audiences worldwide. As an advocate of the profession, he is passionate about project management, with a focus on its business value.