Mark Owen Mathieson, PE, PMP

Mark Owen Mathieson

PMI Fellow, 2012

Mark Mathieson has more than 32 years of experience as a PMI volunteer. He became a PMI member on 5 May, 1982, certified as a PMP on 1 May, 1992 and became a PMI Fellow in 2012.

He served as project manager for the 6th annual North West Seminar-Symposium held in Seattle, Washington in 1989. Throughout the 1990s, he submitted and presented papers at a variety of conferences worldwide. In October 1993 Mr. Mathieson’s paper entitled “Caution: Project Management Professional At Work!!!” was published as a Showcase Project in PMI’s PM Network magazine.

In 1995, Mr. Mathieson helped found the former PMI Design Procurement Construction (DPC) Specific Interest Group (SIG), served as Chair from 1996-2000, and received the 1998 Outstanding SIG Chair of the Year award. In 1997 the DPC SIG signed a 1997 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Construction Industry Institute (CII) and in 2001 CII transferred their entire library of industry-wide studies to PMI’s Library.

In 1997 Mr. Mathieson and SIG in partnership with PMI Education Foundation created the “The Donald Barrie Award” for best student paper and it is presented (to this day) at the annual North America Global Conference. As Chair, the DPC SIG was the first PMI SIG to write and publish “The ABCs of DPC: A Primer on Design-Procurement-Construction for the Project Manager” in 1998 which was translated and published in Japanese and German in 2000.

In 2000 Mr. Mathieson and SIG co-sponsored, partially funded and provided thought leaders for the research and writing of an Industry Practice Manual by the British Columbia, Canada Government’s Building Projects Committee titled “Management of Building Projects” (1st edition published in 2004).

He was one of 65 appointed Global delegates to a 1997 conference that helped PMI develop a new Strategic Governance, which the PMI Global Membership voted approval in 1999. Mr. Mathieson served on the PMI Board of Directors from 2002-2004, and again from 2007-2009. He served on the Board’s Nominating Committee in 2005. He was the founding member and Co-Chair of the PMI Fresno California Central Valley Chapter formation committee which was chartered in 2010. He became President in 2012 and chartered a student forum at Fresno State University.

Mr. Mathieson served on the PMI Board’s Ethics Review Committee (2011-2016) and Board’s Ethics System Modernization Task Team (2017-2019). Mr. Mathieson has been a PMI Fellow Award Evaluator in 2013, 2016 and 2018. He has also teamed with seven PMI members with Boy Scouts experience and the PMI Educational Foundation, where they created and submitted a new merit badge application for Project Management.