Past Board of Directors
Jennifer Tharp, PMP, CDir, Chair
Pablo Lledó, MSc, MBA, PMP, PMI-ACP, Audit and Risk Committee Chair
LuAnn Piccard, PMP, Compensation and Talent Committee Chair
Ike Nwankwo, MSc, MBA, MAPM, PMP, DASSM, Governance Committee Chair
Galen Townson, EMBA, MAPP, CDir, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-CP, DAC, DAVSC, Strategy Oversite Committee Chair
Agnieszka Maria Gasperini, ICF, ACC, PMP, PMI-ACP
Diane Alsing, D.Eng, PMP, PMI-ACP
Lynn A. Keeys, Ph.D., MA, PMP
Lynn Shannon, E.Ed, Dip.Sp.Ed, DASSM, PMP, PMI-PBA
Matthew (Matt) D Tomlinson, PMP, PgMP, CSM
Sarina Arcari, PMP, CDir
Tom Bloemers, CMA, CSCA, SIP, BTM2, PMP
Tony Appleby, MBA, CDir, PMP, Chair
Beth A. Partleton, PMP, PMI Fellow, Compensation Committee Chair
LuAnn Piccard, PMP, Strategy Oversight Committee Chair
Galen Townson, EMBA, MAPP, PMI-ACP, PMP, CDA, Audit Committee Chair
Randall T. (Randy) Black, P.Eng., PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Agnieszka Maria Gasperini, PMP, PMI-ACP
Pablo Lledó, MSc, MBA, PMP, PMI-ACP
Ike Nwankwo, MSc, MBA, PMP
Anca E Slușanschi, MSc, PMP, ICP-APM
Tejas Sura, MS, MBA, PMP, PfMP
Roberto Toledo, MBA, PMP
Matthew (Matt) D Tomlinson, PgMP, PMP
Jennifer Tharp, PMP, CDir, Chair
Pablo Lledó, MSc, MBA, PMP, PMI-ACP, Audit Committee Chair
Anca E Slușanschi, MSc, PMP, ICP-APM, Compensation Committee Chair
Matthew (Matt) D Tomlinson, PMP, PgMP, CSM, Strategy Oversight Committee Chair
Tony Appleby, MBA, CDir, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Sarina Arcari, PMP
Agnieszka Maria Gasperini, ICF, ACC, PMP, PMI-ACP
Ike Nwankwo, MSc, MBA, MAPM, PMP, DASSM
LuAnn Piccard, PMP
Tejas Sura, MS, MBA, PMP, PfMP
Roberto Toledo, MBA, PMP
Galen Townson, EMBA, MAPP, CDir, PMP, DAVSC
Tony Appleby, MBA, CDir, PMP, Chair
Caterina (Cathy) La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP, Compensation Committee Chair
Tejas Sura, MS, MBA, PMP, PfMP, Strategy Oversight Committee Chair
Galen Townson, EMBA, MAPP, PMI-ACP, PMP, CDA, Audit Committee Chair
Beth A. Partleton, PMP, PMI Fellow
J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow
Jennifer Tharp, PMP
LuAnn Piccard, PMP
Randall T. (Randy) Black, P.Eng., PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Roberto Toledo, MBA, PMP
Teresa A. (Terri) Knudson, MBA, PMP, PgMP, PfMP
Anca E Slușanschi, MSc, PMP, ICP-APM
Randall T. (Randy) Black, P. Eng., PMP, Chair
J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow, Compensation Committee Chair
Teresa (Terri) Knudson, MBA, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, Audit Committee Chair
Roberto Toledo, MBA, PMP, Strategy Oversight Committee Chair
Tony Appleby, MBA, CDir, PMP
Margareth Carneiro, MBA, MSc, PMP
Caterina La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP, Immediate Past Chair
Beth Partleton, PMP, PMI Fellow
LuAnn Piccard, PMP
Tejas Sura, MS, MBA, PMP, PfMP
Jennifer Tharp, PMP
Galen Townson, PMP
Thomas Walenta, Dipl. Math, PMP, PgMP, PMI Fellow
Mark Dickson, MBA, FAICD, PMP, Chair
Caterina La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP, Vice Chair
Jennifer Tharp, PMP, Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Audit and Performance Oversight Committee
Cecil White, EdD, MBA, PMP, Chair of the Strategy Oversight Committee
Tony Appleby, MBA, PMP
Randall T. (Randy) Black, P. Eng., PMP
Margareth Carneiro, MBA, MSc, PMP
J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow
Teresa (Terri) Knudson, MBA, PMP, PgMP, PfMP
Wagner Maxsen, PMP, PMI-RMP
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, MBA, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Kathleen P. Romero, MBA, PMP, CSM, and SPC
W. Stephen Sawle, PE, CMC, PMP, PgMP
Roberto Toledo, MBA, PMP
Thomas Walenta, Dipl. Math, PMP, PgMP, PMI Fellow
Steve DelGrosso, PMP, Chair
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, MBA, PMP, Vice Chair
Mark Dickson, MBA, PMP, FAICD Secretary-Treasurer/Audit Performance Oversight Committee (APOC)
Deena Gordon Parla, PMP, Strategy Development Oversight Committee (SDOC) Chair
Margareth Carneiro, MSc, PMP
J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow
Todd Hutchison, MCom, MBA, PMP
Victoria Kumar, MM, PMP
Caterina (Cathy) La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP
Wagner Maxsen Jose de Oliveria, PMP, PMI-RMP, Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified Graduate
William Stephen (Steve) Sawle, PMP, PgMP, PE, CMC
Jennifer Tharp, PMP
Ricardo Triana, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Cheryl J. (CJ) Walker Waite, Ph. D, PMP
Al Zeitoun, PhD, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, EVP
Deanna Landers, MBA, PMP, Chair
Ricardo Triana, PMP, Vice Chair
Zbigniew J. (ZJ) Traczyk, MSc, MBA, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/ Performance Oversight Committee (POC) Chair
Steve DelGrosso, PMP, Strategy Development Oversight Committee (SDOC) Chair
Mark Dickson, MBA, PMP, FAICD
Jane Farley, MSc, FPMINZ, PMP
Herman Gonzalez, PMP
Deena Gordon Parla, PMP
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, MBA, PMP
Jon Mihalic, PMP
Peter Monkhouse, BSc(Eng), MBA, PEng, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
William Moylan, PhD, PMP
Beth Partleton, PMP
Cheryl J. (CJ) Walker Waite, Ph. D, PMP
Diane White, MA, SCM, PMP
Beth Partleton, PMP, Chair
Peter Monkhouse, BSc(Eng), MBA, PEng, PMP, Vice Chair
Deanna Landers, MBA, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/ Performance Oversight Committee (POC) Chair
Eugene (Gene) Bounds, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Steve DelGrosso, PMP
Shirley Edwards, PMP (Resigned October 2012)
Jane Farley, MSc, FPMINZ, PMP, SPPA Chair
Herman Gonzalez, PMP
Louis J. Mercken, PMI Fellow, MBA, PMP
Jon Mihalic, PMP
William Moylan, PhD, PMP
Frank Parth, MS, MSSM, MBA, PMP
Vijay Prasad, MS, PMP
Ricardo Triana, PMP
Diane White, MA, SCM, PMP
Caterina La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP, Chair
Jennifer Tharp, PMP, Vice Chair
Tony Appleby, MBA, PMP, Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Audit and Performance Oversight Committee
Randall T. (Randy) Black, P. Eng., PMP, Chair of the Strategy Oversight Committee
Margareth Carneiro, MBA, MSc, PMP
Mark Dickson, MBA, FAICD, PMP, Immediate Past Chair (resigned 13 April 2018)
J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow
Teresa (Terri) Knudson, MBA, PMP, PgMP, PfMP
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, MBA, PMP
Kathleen P. Romero, MBA, PMP, CSM, and SPC
Tejas Sura, MS, MBA, PMP, PfMP
Roberto Toledo, MBA, PMP
Thomas Walenta, Dipl. Math, PMP, PgMP, PMI Fellow
Cecil White, EdD, MBA, PMP
Al Zeitoun, PhD, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, PMP (resigned 30 September 2018)
Antonio Nieto‐Rodriguez, MBA, PMP, Chair
Mark Dickson, MBA, PMP, FAICD, Vice Chair
J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow, Secretary-Treasurer/Audit Performance Oversight Committee (APOC) Chair
Caterina (Cathy) La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP, Strategy Development Oversight Committee (SDOC) Chair
Randall T. (Randy) Black, P.Eng, PMP
Margareth Carneiro, MSc, PMP
Steve DelGrosso, PMP
Todd Hutchison, MCom, MBA, PMP, FPMIA
Wagner Maxsen Jose de Oliveira, PMP, PMI‐RMP, Kaplan‐Norton BSC Certified Graduate
Victoria S. Kumar, MM, PMP
Kathleen P. Romero, MBA, PMP, CSM, and SAFe PM/PO
W. Stephen Sawle, PMP, PgMP, PE, CM
Jennifer Tharp, PMP
Cecil White, EdD, MBA, PMP
Al Zeitoun, PhD, PMP, PMI‐RMP, PMI‐SP, EVP
Ricardo Triana, PMP, Chair
Steve DelGrosso, PMP, Vice Chair
Zbigniew J. (ZJ) Traczyk, MSc, MBA, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/ Performance Oversight Committee (POC)
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, MBA, PMP, Strategy Development Oversight Committee (SDOC) Chair
Margareth Carneiro, MSc, PMP
Mark Dickson, MBA, PMP, FAICD
Deena Gordon Parla, PMP
Todd Hutchison, MCom, MBA, PMP
Victoria Kumar, MM, PMP
Deanna Landers, MBA, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Jane Farley, MSc, FPMINZ, PMP, CMC
Jon Mihalic, PMP
Peter Monkhouse, BSc(Eng), MBA, PEng, PMP
Cheryl J. (CJ) Walker Waite, Ph. D, PMP
Al Zeitoun, PhD, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, EVP
Peter Monkhouse, BSc(Eng), MBA, PEng, PMP, Chair
Deanna Landers, MBA, PMP, Vice Chair
Jane Farley, MSc, FPMINZ, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/ Performance Oversight Committee Chair
Ricardo Triana, PMP, Strategy Development Oversight Committee (SDOC) Chair
Eugene (Gene) Bounds, PMP
Steve DelGrosso, PMP
Herman Gonzalez, PMP
Jon Mihalic, PMP
William Moylan, PhD, PMP
Beth Partleton, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Frank Parth, MS, MSSM, MBA, PMP
Vijay Prasad, MS, PMP (resigned August 2012)
Zbigniew J. (ZJ) Traczyk, MSc, MBA, PMP
Diane White, MA, SCM, PMP
Ricardo Vargas, MSc, PMP (Appointed to replace Shirley Edwards – 1 Jan. – 31 Dec. 2012)
Gene Bounds, PMP, Chair
Beth Partleton, PMP, Vice-Chair/SPPA Chair
Peter Monkhouse, BSc(Eng), MBA, PEng, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/POC Chair
Frederick A. Arnold, PMP, PMI Fellow
Yanping Chen, MD, PhD, PMP
Shirley Edwards, PMP
Jane Farley, MSCc, FPMINZ, PMP
Deanna Landers, MBA, PMP
Louis J. Mercken, PMI Fellow, MBA, PMP
Jon Mihalic, PMP
William Moylan, PhD, PMP
Frank Parth, MS, MSSM, MBA, PMP
Vijay Prasad, MS, PMP
Kathleen Romero, MBA, PMP
Ricardo Triana, PMP
Ricardo Viana Varga, MSc, PMP,Chair
Eugene (Gene) Bounds, PMP, Vice Chair/SPPA Chair
Kathleen Romero, MBA, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/POC Chair
Fred Arnold, PMP, PMI Fellow
Yanping Chen, PhD, PMP
Jane Farley, MSc, FPMINZ, PMP
Deanna Landers, MBA, PMP
Mark Mathieson, PE, PMP
Louis J. Mercken, PMI Fellow, PMP (re-elected for 3rd term – 1/09-12/11)
Jon Mihalic, PMP
Peter Monkhouse, BSc(Eng), MBA, PEng, PMP
William Moylan, PhD, PMP
Beth Partleton, PMP
Bruce Rodrigues, PMP, MBL, PrEng
Linda Vella, PMP
Philip Diab, MBA, PMP, Chair
Yanping Chen, MD, PhD, PMP, Vice Chair
Eugene (Gene) Bounds, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer/POC Chair
Ricardo Viana Varga, MSc, PMP, SPPA Chair
Thomas Walenta, PMP, ERVI Chair
Fred Arnold, PMP, PMI Fellow
Iain Fraser, Fellow PMINZ, PMP
Mark Mathieson, PE, PMP
William Moylan, PhD, PMP
Beth Partleton, PMP
Bruce Rodrigues, PMP, MBL, PrEng
Kathleen Romero, MBA, PMP
Karen Tate, MBA, PMP
Martin C. VanDerSchouw, PMP
Linda Vella, PMP, Immediate Past Chair
Linda Vella, PMP, Chair
Philip Diab, MBA, PMP, Vice-Chair
Martin C. VanDerSchouw, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer
Bruce Rodrigues, PMP, MBL, PrEng, SPPA Chair
Thomas Walenta, PMP. ERVI Chair
Fred Arnold, PMP, PMI Fellow
Eugene (Gene) Bounds, PMP
Yanping Chen, PhD, PMP
Iain Fraser, Fellow PMINZ, PMP, Immediate Chair
Mark Mathieson, PE, PMP
Kathleen Romero, MBA, PMP
Katherine Shawver, PMP (Appointed to replace Yamile Jackson, PMP 10/21/06-12/31/07)
Karen Tate, MBA, PMP
Ricardo Viana Varga, MSc, PMP
Al Zeitoun, Ph.D., PMP, (Appointed to replace Louis J. Mercken, PMP 1/1/07-12/31/07)
Iain Fraser, Fellow PMINZ, PMP, Chair
Linda Vella, PMP, Vice Chair
Philip Diab, MBA, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer
Bruce Rodrigues, PMP, MBL, PrEng, SPPA Chair
Karen Tate, MBA, PMP, ERVI Chair
Fred Arnold, PMP, PMI Fellow
Yanping Chen, PhD, PMP
James G. Gallagher, PMP
Yamile Cendales Jackson, PhD, PE, PMP
Louis J. Mercken, MBA, PMP, Past Chair
Kathleen Romero, PMP
Katherine Shawver, PMP
Gregory Stine, PMP
Martin C. VanDerSchouw, PMP
Thomas Walenta, PMP
Louis J. Mercken, MBA, PMPA, Chair
Iain Fraser, Fellow PMINZ, PMP, Vice-Chair
Terence G. Warren, PMP, APMP, ACE, Secretary-Treasurer/POC Chair
Karen G. Tate, MBA, PMP, ERVI Chair
Linda Vella, PMP, SPPA Chair
Frederick A. Arnold, PMP Fellow
Mark Austin, PMP
Yanping Chen, PMP
Philip R. Diab, MBA, PMP
James M. Gallagher, PMP
Yamile C. Jackson, PhD, PMP
Bruce J. Rodrigues, PMP, MBP, PrEng.
Katherine J. Shawver, PMP
Kathleen Stehly, PMP
Gregory S. Stine, PMP
Kenneth O. Hartley, PMP, PMI Fellow, Chair
Louis J. Mercken, MBA, PMPA, Vice-Chair
Debra L. Miersma, Secretary-Treasurer/POC Chair
Mark Austin, PMP, ERVI Chair
Philip R. Diab, MBA, PMP, SPPA Chair
Iain Fraser, Fellow PMINZ, PMP
James M. Gallagher, PMP
Mark Owen Mathieson, PMP, PE
Debbie O’Bray, CIM, Past Chair
Bruce J. Rodrigues, PMP, MBP, PrEng.
Katherine J. Shawver, PMP
Gregory S. Stine, PMP
Karen G. Tate, MBA, PMP
Linda Vella, PMP
Terence G. Warren, PMP, APMP, ACE
Deborah L. O’Bray, CIM, Chair
Kenneth O. Hartley, PMP, PMI Fellow, Vice-Chair
Louis J. Mercken, MBA, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer
Margaret W. Combe, SPPA Chair
Debra L. Miersma, ERVI Chair
Mark Austin, PMP (replaced J. Knutson - term: 3/03-12/05)
Philip R. Diab, MIM, PMP
Iain Fraser, Fellow PMINZ, PMP
James M. Gallagher, PMP
Joan Knutson (resigned 1/03)
Jessy Magerl, PMP (replaced Barbara Wong - term: 1/13/03-12/31/03)
Stephen G. Harrison, PMP
Mark Owen Mathieson, PMP, PE
Karen G. Tate, PMP
Terence G. Warren, PMP
Rebecca (Becky) A. Winston, JD, Past Chair
Barbara Wong, PMP (Resigned 1/03)
Rebecca (Becky) A. Winston, JD, Chair
Deborah L. O’Bray, Vice-Chair
Hugh Woodward, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer (resigned in May 2002)
Louis J. Mercken, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer (served as ST from 6/02-12/02)
Margaret W. Combe
Kenneth O. Hartley, PMP, PMI Fellow
J. Davidson Frame, Ph.D., PMP
James M. Gallagher, PMP
Stephen G. Harrison, PMP
Jessy Magerl, PMP
Mark Owen Mathieson, PMP, PE
Peirre M. Ménard, Eng., MBA, PMP
Debra L. Miersma
David L. Pells, PMP (6/02-12/02)
Paul J. Rutkowski, PMP
Barbara J. Wong, PMP
Hugh Woodward, PMP, Chair
Rebecca Ann Winston, J.D., Vice-Chair
Jessy Magerl, PMP, Secretary-Treasurer
Margaret W. Combe, Executive Committee (elected in November 2002)
Helen Cooke, PMP
J. Davidson Frame, Ph.D., PMP
Jim Gallagher, PMP
Stephen Harrison, PMP, Executive Committee
Debbie O'Bray, CIM, Executive Committee
Pierre Ménard, Eng., MBA, PMP
Paul J. Rutkowski, PMP
Jenny M. Strbiak, PMI Fellow
Julie M. Wilson, ACS, PMP
Barbara J. Wong, PMP
Hugh Woodward, PMP, Chair
Rebecca Winston, J.D., Vice-Chair
Debbie O’Bray, CIM, Secretary-Treasurer
Walter Bowman, PMP
Helen Cooke, PMP
J. Davidson Frame, Ph.D., PMP
Ken Hartley, PMP, PMI Fellow, Executive Committee
Stephen Harrison, PMP
Jessy Magerl, PMP
Pierre Ménard, Eng., MBA, PMP
Jenny M. Strbiak, PMI Fellow
Julie M. Wilson, ASC, PMP
Paul J. Rutkowski, PMP
Harold Reeve, Ph.D., PMP, Chair
Hugh Woodward, PMP, Vice-Chair
Rebecca Winston, J.D., Secretary-Treasurer
Walter Bowman, PMP, Executive Committee
Helen Cooke, PMP
Ken Hartley, PMP, PMI Fellow (Appointed 5/28/99)
Stephen Harrison, PMP
Lew Ireland, Ph.D., PMP, PMI Fellow (resigned 4/15/99)
Saralee Newell, PMP
Debbie O’Bray
Jenny M. Strbiak, PMI Fellow
Julie M. Wilson, ASC, PMP, Executive Committee
Lewis Ireland, Ph.D., PMP, PMI Fellow, President/Chair
Saralee Newell, PMP, VP-Public Relations
Hugh Woodward, PMP, VP-Administration
Walter Bowman, PMP, VP-Technical Activities
Stephen Harrison, PMP, VP-Region I
Harold Reeve, Ph.D., PMP, VP-Region II
Rebecca Winston, J.D., VP-Region III
Ron Waller, PMP, Chair
Bill Ruggles, PMP, President
Saralee Newell, PMP, VP-Public Relations
Hugh Woodward, PMP, VP-Administration
Michael Katagiri, PMP, VP-Technical Activities
Serge Y. Piotte, VP-Region I
Harold Reeve, PhD., PMP, VP-Region II
Julie M. Wilson, ASC, PMP, VP-Region III
Dr. Roger Glaser, Chair
Ron Waller, PMP, President
David Pells, PMP, VP-Public Relations
Helen Cooke, PMP, VP-Administration
Michael Katagiri, PMP, VP-Technical Activities
Serge Y. Piotte, VP-Region I
Gerald Ostrander, PMP, VP-Region II
Julie M. Wilson, ASC, PMP, VP-Region III
J. Kent Crawford, PMP, Chair
Dr. Roger B. Glaser, President
David Pells, PMP, VP-Public Relations
Helen Cooke, PMP, VP-Administration
Bill Ruggles, PMP, VP-Technical Activities
Dave Florence, VP-Region I
Gerald Ostrander, PMP, VP-Region II
Jenny Strbiak, VP-Region III
Dr. John Adams, Chair
J. Kent Crawford, President
Bill Derrick, VP-Public Relations
Dick Walz, VP-Administration
William Ruggles, VP-Technical Activities
David Florence, VP-Region I
Ron Waller, VP-Region II
Jenny Strbiak, VP-Region III
Rodney J. Dawson, Chair
Dr. John Adams, President
Bill Derrick, VP-Public Relations
Dick Walz, VP-Administration
Gordon Davis/Lyle Lockwood (9/93-12/93), VP-Technical Activities
Bob Curry, VP-Region I
Ron Waller, VP-Region II
Michael Katagiri, VP-Region III
Mary Devon O'Brien, Chair
Rodney J. Dawson, President
Dr. Roger B. Glaser, VP-Public Relations
James C. Kane, VP-Administration
R.Max Wideman, Gordon Davis Vice
President, Technical Services
Robert G. Curry, VP, Region I (Canada International)
Stuart Ockman, VP-Region II
Michael D. Katagiri, VP, Region III
Robert J. Yourzak, Chair
Mary Devon O'Brien, President
Dr. Roger B. Glaser, VP-Public Relations
James C. Kane, VP-Administration
Frank O'Brien, John Adams VP-Technical
Richard Cockfield, VP-Region I
Stuart Ockman, VP-Region II
Harris Falkin, VP-Region III
Hank Padgham, Chair
Robert J. Yourzak, President
Rodney D. Stroope, VP-Public Relations
Rodney J. Dawson, VP-Administration
Dr. M. Dean Martin/Frank D. O'Brien, VP Technical
Richard Cockfield, VP-Region I
Mary Devon O'Brien, VP-Region II
Harris Falkin, VP-Region III
Douglas Egan, Chair
Hank Padgham, President
James Blethen, VP-Technical Activities
Rodney Stroope, VP-Public Relations
Rodney Dawson, VP-Administration
Warren Allen, VP-Region I
Mary Devon-O'Brien, VP-Region II
Frank Jenes, VP-Region III
R. Max Wideman, Chair
Douglas Egan, President
James Blethen, VP-Technical Activities
Robert Yourzak, VP-Public Relations
A. C. "Fred" Baker, VP-Administration
Warren Allen, VP-Region I
Larry Woolshlager, VP-Region II
Frank Jenes, VP-Region III
Brian Fletcher, Chair
R. Max Wideman, President
Albert Badger, VP-Technical Activities
Robert Yourzak, VP-Public Relations
A. C. "Fred" Baker, VP-Administration
Rodney Dawson, VP-Region I
Larry Woolshlager, VP-Region II
Jenny Strbiak, VP-Region III
Harvey A. Levine, Chair
Brian Fletcher, President
Albert Badger, VP-Technical Activities
Douglas Egan, VP-Public Relations
John Rollins, VP-Administration
Rodney Dawson, VP-Region I
Patrice Murphy, VP-Region II
Jenny Strbiak, VP-Region III
John F. Murphy, Chair
Harvey A. Levine, President
Brian Fletcher, VP-Chapter Activities
John Rollins, VP-Finance
Terry A. Anderson, VP-Functional Operations
Douglas Egan, VP-Member Service
Patrice Murphy, Secretary
Kenneth O. Hartley, Chair
John F. Murphy, President
Brian Fletcher, VP-Chapter Activities
Dr. J. Gordon Davis, VP-Finance
Terry A. Anderson, VP-Functional Operations
R. Max Wideman, VP-Member Services
Harvey A. Levine, Secretary
Regula A. Brunies, Chair
Kenneth O. Hartley, President
John F. Murphy, VP-Chapter Activities
Dr. J. Gordon Davis, VP-Finance
Wayne K. San Filippo, VP-Functional Operations
R. Max Wideman, VP-Member Service
Harvey A. Levine, Secretary
David H. Morton, Chair
Regula A. Brunies, President
John F. Murphy, VP-Chapter Activities
Bert E. Newton, VP-Finance
Wayne K. San Filippo, VP-Functional Operations
Kenneth O. Hartley, VP-Member Service
Dr. Linn C. Stuckenbruck, Secretary
Murray Hohns, Chair
David H. Morton, President
Regula A. Brunies, VP-Chapter Activities
Bert E. Newton, VP-Finance
Maurice Gardner, VP-Functional Operations
Kenneth O. Hartley, VP-Member Service
Dr. Linn C. Stuckenbruck, Secretary
Dick McCandless, Chair
Murray Hohns, President
Regula A. Brunies, VP-Chapter Activities
Robert J. Eveld, VP-Finance
Maurice Gardner, VP-Functional Operations
James T. Thomson, VP-Member Service
David H. Morton, Secretary
Frank O'Brien, Chair
Dick McCandless, President
Dick Sharad, VP-Chapter activities
Robert Eveld, VP-Finance
Ramon Ruona, VP-Functional Operations
James T. Thomson, VP-Member Service
David H. Morton, Secretary
Matthew Parry, Chair
Frank O'Brien, President
Dick Sharad, VP-Chapter Activities
Earl W. Feight, VP-Finance
Ramon Ruona, VP-Functional Operations
Robert Staples. VP-Member Service
David H. Morton, Secretary
John Fondahl, Chair
Matthew Parry, President
Dick McCandless, VP-Chapter Affairs
John Mazzola, VP-Finance
Susan Gallagher, VP-Functional Operations
Robert Staples, VP-Member Service
Earl W. Feight, Treasurer
Boyd Paulson, Secretary
John Fondahl, Chair
Matthew Parry, President
Dick McCandless, VP-Chapter Activities
Susan Gallagher, VP-Functional Operations
Ivars Avots, VP-Member Service
Gerald Neumann, Treasurer
Boyd Paulson, Secretary
James J. O'Brien, Chair
John Fondahl, President
Matthew Parry, VP-Functional Operations
Ivars Avots, VP-Member Service
Gerald Neumann, Treasurer
Boyd Paulson, Secretary
James J. O'Brien, Chair
John Fondahl, President
Matthew Perry, VP-Functional Operations
John T. Naar, VP-Member Service
Thomas Head, Treasurer
Robert Staples, Secretary
Lawrence Benningson, Chair
James. J. O'Brien, President
John Fondahl, Vice President
John T. Naar, VP-Member Service
Thomas Head, Treasurer
Robert Staples, Secretary
Eric Jenett, Chair
Lawrence Benningson, President
James J. O'Brien, Vice President
Irving Fogel, Treasurer
Robert Staples, Secretary
James R. Snyder, Chair
Eric Jenett, President
Russ Archibald, Vice President
Wallace Kruse, Treasurer
James J. O'Brien, Secretary
James R. Snyder, Chair/Treasurer
Dr. J. Gordon Davis, Vice President
Wallace Kruse, Treasurer
Eric Jenett, Secretary
Ned Engman, Chair
James R. Snyder, President
Dr. J. Gordon Davis, Vice President
Susan Gallagher, Treasurer
Eric Jenett, Secretary