20 April 2020
Dear member of the Project Management Community in Luxembourg,
I hope this message finds you well and safe and you are getting through the difficult situation of confinement.
The PMI Luxembourg Chapter Board of Directors and I have had to adapt on personal, professional and practical levels to the new reality as well, and to be truthful, the adaptations happening inside our home have taken time away from our capacity to serve the Chapter. We have since found some new normal and are now actively working on ways to engage with you in different ways than before.
Today, I want to give you some good news and outlook on what to expect from your PM community in the coming weeks and months as we will continue to be here to support you.
Adapting to the need for social distancing, we have had to put on hold our face to face interaction with our chapter community, and this will likely remain valid until at least end of July.
Whilst you will find alternatives developed by PMI to continue your professional development, that does not stop us from missing you, wondering how you are doing, wanting to talk, share and help each other as we are used to during our live events and mentoring sessions.
Therefore I am pleased to announce that we have decided to trial a platform for virtual exchange, still this month. It supports video calls, voice chat, and text, allowing users to get in touch however they please.
The immediate benefit of this tool is to allow social interaction between members in all safety of the stay-at-home measures. We plan to start with live albeit virtual mentoring session(s), and will explore - together with you - what other benefits are of interest to be developed as a permanent additional value offering to the chapter membership.
Within the possibilities of the evolution of circumstances and aligned with the guidelines of the authorities, we are planning to take up our live face to face events earliest in the 2nd half of the year. Be assured that we have a great pipeline of event topics and formats filled for when life goes back to "normal".
Beyond the chapter, PMI has globally adapted its ways of working as well, for the safety and well-being of our global community. This link will allow you to find out how PMI certification examination processes are adapted and how the global PMI events are modified.
Check out here what alternative learning opportunities are available to you now and be sure to make the most of what is temporarily available free of charge.
Don't forget to keep an eye on our website and social media channels, to pick up the latest news of the chapter.
If you want to get in touch with us directly, please email or [email protected].
I am sincerely looking forward to hearing you soon again and excited to bring this innovative way of networking to life and help each other to get through this together!
Stay at home and stay safe!
Saskia Van Dyck