The Road Ahead

September is usually the time when we restart after vacations, go back to school, back to the gym, back to work. And this year in September we were in full speed organizing the 10th anniversary party which turned out great, thanks to all volunteers involved. Now is the time for our Chapter to get back to the Chapter Annual Strategic Plan, review the progress we made, accomplishments and plan corrective actions where needed. You might not be aware that something like that exists, so let me explain:

Each year, the new Board takes some time to define the roadmap. We reflect on what we want to achieve as a Chapter and as a team.  It is not a simple exercise, and it is the moment where the newly formed Board meets.

We take the guidelines from PMI strategy - now the 4.0, and define actions taking into account the uniqueness of our Chapter given by the specificities of Luxembourg and we also consider our members’ feedback and expectations.

Each Director provides its vision, ambition and opportunities, and as a team we work on the same direction. Will we need more volunteers? Shall we create more roles? How are collaborations developing? Has that brilliant idea matured enough to be proposed to our members?

And the usual question: do we have enough budget to make all these dreams come true?

Our Chapter is one of the few in the world where leadership and the Board change so fast and so often: half of the board changes every year. At that pace, change management is not just a buzz word on CV - it’s the core skill you need to master while you are challenged by your peers.

Their vote means their trust and it’s the starting point, but results are the medal we show proudly, because we get to work in our own way: no corporate filters, no strict guidelines, just the opportunity to give the best of our skills a massive chance to grow.

As we celebrated this month an extraordinary anniversary for our Chapter, I am happy to be able to celebrate a healthy chapter, with programs on track, a successful story of volunteers, a solid financial base and an incredible growth in membership and activities.

We have worked tirelessly to ensure that our strategy will be successful.  As we now enter autumn and will be looking back at our Chapter strategy and see the results of that effort, I am looking forward to what lies ahead. I know that we will certainly have some bumps and curves that we did not expect, but the future looks promising from where we stand.

Eloïse Le Vot, PMP
PMI Luxembourg Chapter