Kalpana Majumdar


My service to PMIWDC began more than a decade ago with the passion of giving back to the IT Project Management community.

Working as AVP of Educational Outreach program, we engaged new members from local universities, non-profit organizations, and high schools supporting multiple programs for the 1st time in the chapter. These are Northern Virginia Educating Youth through Employment (EYE) program, ENACTUS (en – entrepreneurial, act – action, us – united), an international social entrepreneurship project presentation competition for university students, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program, and PM workshops for High School students with PMIEF (Project Management Institute Educational Foundation). As VP of Volunteers Coordination, we streamlined the volunteer recruitment and recognition processes. We introduced a new on-boarding process and created a volunteer handbook for the first time in the chapter.

Professionally, I am a vision-driven Agile Digital Transformation lead with 25+ years of experience in transforming and delivering end-to-end solutions using innovative thought leadership in public and private sectors across different countries. My professional experiences of mentoring small business protege, and vendor management for selecting and bringing the best products & services to the companies would be valuable for this position. 

I have been recognized by MIT professional education with the “Fire Hydrant” award for extraordinary efforts in modeling leadership and innovative thinking. My favorite quote - “We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give!” by Winston Churchill.

I appreciate your vote and support. I look forward to serving you. Thank you!
