Psychological Safety at Work with Subash Chandra Rajcoomar

What You Will Learn

Upon completion of this training, learners will be able to:

  • Define psychological safety and identify its importance to teams and organizations.
  • Identify and compare different tools and techniques used to measure, create, and maintain psychological safety.
  • Distinguish between what is psychological safety and what is not.


What makes a high-performing team? Why do some teams deliver better than others? How do you create and maintain an environment conducive for teams to evolve, grow, and innovate?

The term “psychological safety” was coined by Dr. Amy Edmondson in the 1990s. She defined it as the belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. In 2013, Google identified psychological safety as the single most important factor that a team must possess to perform at its highest potential.

In this training, learners will be able to define psychological safety, identify why it is important for teams and organizations, distinguish between what psychological safety is and is not, and compare different tools and techniques that can be used to create and maintain a psychologically safe environment.



    • Introductions
      • Think it, then ink it
      • Learning outcomes
      • Introductions
      • Hopes & fears
      • Agreements/respecting each other
    • What is Psychological Safety?
      • Definition
      • History
      • Concept map - what?
    • Importance of Psychological Safety
      • Importance
      • Benefits towards organization 
      • Benefits towards team and Individual
      • Concept map – importance
    • How to Measure Psychological Safety in Teams?
      • Is your team psychologically safe?
      • The 10 questions - rational
      • Measure your team safety
      • Concept map – measure
    • How to Create and Maintain Psychological Safety in Your Teams?
      • The 4 stages
      • 10 tips
      • Table discussions
      • 6 ways to create psychological safety:
      • Team working agreements + activity
      • High performance tree
      • Provide effective feedback
      • Safety checks
      • Being vulnerable
      • Understand that people have emotions
      • Concept map - creating
    • Workshops and Exercises Which Help Create Psychological Safety in Teams
      • Values & behavior workshop
      • Psychological safety team performance workshop
      • Activity - psychological safety team performance workshop
      • Fear conversation exercise
      • Effective retrospectives
      • Think it, then ink it
      • Concept map - workshops
      • What psychological safety is not?
      • Concept map - not psychological safety
    • Key Learnings
    • Feedback

I was very impressed with how clear and concise the information was. It was great information and felt safe and collaborative with the group. I do also like that the group was small with diverse backgrounds and could bring different perspectives and learnings to the discussion.

PDU Allocation Table

The table below displays the number of professional development units (PDUs) awarded for each PMI® credential, as they align to the PMI Talent Triangle®. Power Skills and Business Acumen PDUs apply evenly across all credentials and Ways of Working PDUs apply only to specific credentials. PDUs will be added in full to all eligible credentials. *Please note that the asterisked row below applies to the PMI® Agile Certification Journey and includes Disciplined Agile® Scrum Master (DASM), Disciplined Agile® Senior Scrum Master (DASSM), Disciplined Agile® Coach (DAC), and Disciplined Agile® Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC) certifications.
Ways of Working Power Skills Business Acumen Total
CAPM® / PMI-CP™ / PMP® / PgMP® 0 7 0 7.00
PMI-ACP® / Agile* 0 7 0 7.00
PMI-SP® 0 7 0 7.00
PMI-RMP® 0 7 0 7.00
PfMP® 0 7 0 7.00
PMI-PBA® 0 7 0 7.00
Ways of Working Power Skills Business Acument Talent Triangle


Subash Chandra

Subash Chandra Rajcoomar PMP

As a thought leader in the field of project management, both traditional and agile, Subash has over the years developed a sharp acumen for the successful management and delivery of complex projects. An expert in the digital transformation field, Subash drives businesses to rethink their strategies to develop new and improved ways of working so as to deliver value to the organization and customers.

With a proven track record of transforming business vision and strategies into goals and objectives for their successful implementation, Subash thrives in environments which demands rigor, high levels of drive and dedication, and a focus on delivering business outcomes using distinctive methodologies.

Training Information

20 March 2025
Start Time
9:00 AM
1 Day


Member Price
(US$837.00 before 20 January)
Nonmember Price
(US$1260.00 before 20 January)
Government Price
Student Price

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