Hours for Impact

Join the movement to improve the world we live in. 

Submit your project management volunteer hours and make a positive impact on society through the Hours for Impact program in support of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

There are several ways that you can join us in our efforts to make a difference.

  • Project Managers Without Borders (PMWB) empowers non-profit and non-governmental organizations with sustainable solutions to maximize project success through direct project management applications aligned with the United Nations SDGs.
  • PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) helps to put young people on the path to success, realizing their potential through project management.
  • PMI chapters, or the organization you work for, may offer opportunities to pledge your project management skills toward social good.
If you worked with a chapter on this project, select Chapter Name from drop down list:
Other than PMI, PMIEF and PMWB, provide the name of the organization that you worked with on this project:

If you have pictures or a link to a video of your service project that you'd like to share, please email them to [email protected].

Read the Photography/Video Release Terms for participating.

Read PMI's Privacy Policy.