The PMI Chapter Leadership Impact Award is an annual award that recognizes one outstanding Chapter Leader (Chapter board member) per mentor region (1-16) for their extraordinary and/or meritorious volunteer service to their chapter, mentor region, or local community in which the chapter serves. While there are many Chapter Leaders who routinely perform great and substantive work, this award is specifically for those individual volunteers who have performed exceptional service and who have shown outstanding achievements, including but not limited to:
- Extraordinary impact, going above and beyond the call of duty, valuable/extraordinary service and contributions
- Inspiring others
- Helping advance the Chapter or ideas
- Exemplifying the important roles that project management and volunteerism play in advancing society
- Special contributions to the association through internal and external activities, and activities that result in promoting the good name of the Chapter, activities that promote a positive reflection on the Chapter, or a positive reflection on the project management profession
- Acts as a PMI culture role model by truly embodying our PMI Culture Values & Behaviors:
The nomination period for 2023 is closed and the 2023 award recipients announced.
The 2024 call for nominations will open in March 2024.
Thank You
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the 2023 Chapter Leadership Impact Award Review Committee members for their work:
- Shyamprakash Agrawal (India)
- Jennifer Baker (United States)
- Natalia Botto (Uruguay)
- Omar Saleem (Australia)
- L Shri Harsha (India)
- Theresa Luebcke (United States)
- Thomas Walenta (Germany)
- The nominee must be a current PMI chapter member in good standing.
- The nominee must be an elected or appointed Chapter board member registered in the Component System (CS) for a minimum of six months during Jan 2023 - Dec 2023 period.
- The nominee must be nominated by another Chapter board member from the same Chapter, their Region Mentor, or regional Chapter Engagement staff (self-nomination is not permitted).
- The nominee must exhibit no conflict of interest (all PMI members and volunteers are bound to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct).
Number of Awards
- The award may be granted to one volunteer per mentor region annually. However, there is no requirement that a mentor region must nominate anyone.
- PMI reserves the right not to select a winner for some or all mentor region in a particular year if the evaluations performed indicate that nominations do not meet the stated criteria.
In the Event of a Successful Nomination
- The PMI Global Chapter Engagement Staff will send the nomination forms to the Chapter Leadership Impact Award Review Committee for evaluation.
- The nominations, evaluation process, and scores are proprietary to PMI and will not be disclosed to nominators or nominees.
- The nominator and nominee will be notified of the nomination status at the conclusion of the evaluation process.
- Selection and communication of nomination status must occur no later than the year's first quarter.
- Award recipients will be recognized on PMI’s website and social media channels, they will receive a unique digital badge, complimentary access to one new PMI educational product and an opportunity to receive an additional travel grant to attend PMI Global Summit or Leadership Institute Meeting.
While there is no requirement for a mentor region to nominate anyone for this award on an annual basis, the following procedures should be followed if a nomination is offered.
The nominee must be nominated by another Chapter Leader from the same Chapter, Region Mentor, or Regional Chapter Engagement staff. The nomination should describe the length, type, and variety of service the candidate has given to the Chapter and/or Region and explain the impact that the candidate has made on the Chapter and/or Region and the communities it serves.
A full description of the contributions deserving the award based on the stated criteria. The description must clearly outline why the contributions meet the stated criteria and why the contributions represent an improvement or enhancement in their leadership or make a lasting contribution to the Chapter or Region
The PMI Chapter Leadership Impact Award online nomination includes the following criteria. Descriptions of contributions must highlight the impact, outcomes, and results of the nominee’s efforts.
(examples are for illustrative purposes and not an exhaustive list)
- High level of commitment to the role in their chapter that resulted in:
a. PMI and chapter objectives accomplished
b. Specific chapter benefits realized - Significant accomplishments for which the nominee was responsible:
a. Service above and beyond the nominee’s chapter leadership role
b. Specific contributions to the chapter and/or community - Leadership qualities consistently and effectively demonstrated:
a. Communication skills
b. Delegation
c. Mentoring
d. Collaboration
Award recipients should demonstrate the following behaviors and power skills, including, but not limited to:
- Making a Difference – a Chapter Leader who genuinely cares and wants to contribute in whichever way they can to help build long-term solutions to problems
- Commitment/Dedication – reliable, self-motivated, and dependable Chapter Leader who contributes to the Chapter in meaningful ways and attends and actively participates in Chapter meetings and activities.
- Team Player – a Chapter Leader who respects other volunteers and their opinions, someone who asks questions and is a good listener
- Passionate – optimistic and enthusiastic about PMI, their Chapter, and giving back to the community
- Accountability – a prepared Chapter Leader who keeps the lines of communication open at all times and does what they say they will do
PMI Culture Values & Behaviors – a Chapter Leader who commits to embodying them personally and creating an environment that encourages these values within the Chapter
The nomination period for 2023 is closed and the 2023 award recipients announced.
The 2024 call for nominations will open in March 2024.
You will need to answer the following questions about the nominee:
- Citing specific examples, describe how the nominee’s commitment as a chapter leader has benefited the chapter:
- What accomplishments has the nominee personally been responsible for going beyond their chapter leadership role that made an impact on the chapter and/or local community?
- Describe how the nominee’s leadership style and skills have directly contributed to the volunteer community within the chapter:
- In general, why do you feel this person should be recognized as a Chapter Leadership Impact Award recipient?
Questions? Please contact [email protected]