Sky-High Mandate

3D Printing Requirement Could Transform Dubai Construction Projects



Dubai soon won't just be a city pushing buildings to new heights—it'll also be a place where project teams have to go 3D to reduce labor and materials costs. The government announced it intends for a staggering 25 percent of every new building to be 3D printed within the next seven years. The initiative will launch with a 2 percent requirement in 2019 and gradually increase through 2025.

According to the Dubai Future Foundation, adopting these project requirements will reduce human construction labor by 70 percent and cut some building material costs by up to 90 percent. The plan may also help assuage international concerns about labor violations on construction projects in Dubai. While experts have expressed concerns about the feasibility of meeting such an ambitious timeline, the metropolis does have experience to draw from. The city's Office of the Future is celebrated as the world's first fully functional 3D printed office. The project's 3D printing took 17 days, and on-site installation took just two days.

The 3D printing requirements will reduce human construction labor by 70 percent and cut some building material costs by up to 90 percent.

Source: Dubai Future Foundation



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