New in 2025
PMI believes so deeply that orientation is an essential step for new Chapter Leaders to be successful in their roles that we have associated the completion of Chapter Leader Orientation (CLO) to your status in the Volunteer Engagement Platform (VEP) and to the Leadership Institute Travel Grant Program.
Chapter System/Volunteer Engagement Platform Status
When the Chapter President adds new officers via the Officers Page in VEP, their status will show as Onboarding and will activate the assignment of CLO courses based on your role group and start date of your term. When you complete the assigned courses, your status will change to Active, and your role will be officially registered with PMI and reflected in VEP. If you are still in Onboarding when your term ends, your status will change to Incomplete, and your role will not be reflected in VEP.
Certificates of Volunteer Appreciation sent by PMI on International Volunteer Day each December are sent only to volunteers in VEP with an Active status.
LI Travel Grant (LI TG) Program
As further encouragement to complete the assigned CLO courses, in 2025 your chapter will be eligible for LI TG funds only if all Chapter Leaders attending a Leadership Institute Meeting (LIM) have completed the required courses.
Questions & Answers about the CLO Requirement
- Chapter Leaders completing their term after June 30, 2025, must complete CLO.
- Chapter Leaders whose term expires prior to June 30, 2025, will be exempt from the new rule.
- Chapter Leaders attending a LIM to be eligible to receive LI TG funds.
There are 5 courses assigned to all Chapter Leaders:
- Leadership Strategies for Chapters
- Chapter Data Security
- Engaging Volunteers
- Annual Requirements for Chapters
- Chapter Conflict Management (package)
Depending on your role in chapter leadership, you may be assigned an additional role-specific course.
- Courses will be assigned to you automatically when your name is added to the Chapter System.
- Courses will appear in your MyPMI dashboard under My Courses; all CLO titles begin with “CLO.”
- In your MyPMI dashboard under My Courses, courses are categorized by In Progress and Completed.
- You may also review the onboarding steps associated with your role from your “My Activity” page in VEP.
- Chapter Presidents will be able to confirm completed all courses for their board members by navigating to the Chapter Officer’s Page in VEP.
- CLO is an orientation program, and we highly recommend that you complete the courses as soon as they are assigned so you can ask questions of the outgoing leader during transition and onboarding.
- For Chapter Leaders attending LIM, assigned courses must be complete by the last day of the LIM for the chapter to be eligible to receive any LI TG funds.
- No. Once you complete the assigned courses when you start a role, your status will change to Active and will remain Active for the duration of your term then the status will change to Past.
- If you take on a new role, the system will recognize the courses you have already completed. You may be assigned new courses associated with your new role.
Your VEP status will be Onboarding while you are in your role and will not change to Active. Your role will not be officially recognized by PMI. Further, you will not receive a Certificate of Volunteer Appreciation as these certificates are sent by PMI on International Volunteer Day each December to volunteers in VEP with an Active status.
- Your VEP status will change to Incomplete upon the completion of your role will not be officially recognized by PMI.
- You will not be able to attend LIM.