Last year in honor of PMI’s 50th anniversary, our first-ever Most Influential Projects list shined a light on the amazing feats that projects have made possible over the previous five decades.
We celebrated work ranging from the invention of the internet to the iPod, from the first moon landing to Star Wars. Our world would look very different if these game-changing achievements had never happened.
But that past is only the beginning. So, we have committed ourselves to celebrating the Most Influential Projects annually, highlighting compelling efforts across industries and around the world that achieved a significant milestone.
Little did we know what an unprecedented first year this would be. The global pandemic has challenged all of us, disrupting the rhythms of our lives and forcing us to adapt to new realities. This 2020 edition of Most Influential Projects reflects how humanity has found ingenious ways to keep moving forward in the face of unexpected obstacles.
Scientists are racing to create a COVID-19 vaccine. Temporary hospitals were built in a matter of days. Ventilators were developed at rapid speed. Major annual events were reimagined for a digital world—a huge undertaking in itself, as we have learned at PMI!
Alongside these nimble new initiatives, we’re also highlighting long-standing innovative projects in transportation, renewable energy, architecture, technology and more. Our lists include more than 250 breakthrough efforts that touch every part of our world and every aspect of human endeavor.
These projects should give all of us cause for optimism in these tough times. Each team had to make hard decisions, often going against the grain of tradition—all for the betterment of society.
We can learn so much from this project work and the myriad professionals who have helped bring it to life. As we rebuild, it is going to take creativity, collaboration, discipline and determination to reimagine a better path forward.
To make reality—that is a true inspiration. Cheers to the 2020 Most Influential Projects!