
Monthly Seminar

monthly seminar

PMI-KPC is dedicated to bring awareness on Project Management Professionalism and serving the needs of project management professionals in Pakistan. To this end, we have organized various professional development programs, including Monthly Seminars & Workshops.

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PMI-KPC offers workshops based on corporate needs providing opportunities of learning and networking with industry professionals and gurus. These workshops are a great source of professional growth and advancement to all who would like to excel their careers and...

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Leading organizations across sectors and geographic borders have been steadily embracing project management as a way to control spending and improve project results. When the recession began, this practice became even more important. Executives discovered that adhering to project…

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Effective and supportive activities to help PMI-KPC awareness & advancement programs build professionalism in the field of Project Management in Pakistan. Enhance effectiveness of PMI-KPC awareness and advancement programs and help organizations and professionals...

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Strength Deployment Inventory

strength deployment inventory

Know yourself and others through SDI (Strength Development Inventory) Tool. The SDI is a self-scoring motivational assessment tool that provides an understanding of what drives you and what drives others. It is used in corporate settings for team building, conflict management…

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