GAC Standards Revisions Overview and FAQ

GAC Accreditation Standards Revision Overview

GAC announces the release of the Handbook of Accreditation for Academic Programs in Project Management and Related Programs -  Fifth Edition (5.0); (Handbook, 5th Edition), hereafter referred to as the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0).

As required of its purpose, GAC engages in continuous improvement through the periodic review and revision of the accreditation standards contained within the Handbook of Accreditation. Continuous improvement is necessary to respond to stakeholder feedback, program performance results, the dynamic and evolving nature of the management of projects, and teaching and learning practices. The GAC Directors engaged in assessment, research, benchmarking, and deliberation through face-to-face and virtual meetings, culminating in consensus on the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0).

GAC’s goal in this process is to ensure that the GAC Eligibility Requirements and Accreditation Standards reflect educational quality with a focus on student achievement of program learning outcomes and the continuous improvement of accredited programs and to consider the most current thinking in the field of project, program, and portfolio management.

Summary of Changes:

  1. Enhance Eligibility Requirements:  Expand GAC scope to include academic, credit-bearing certificate programs, two-year undergraduate programs, and international higher education differences. 
  2. Infuse Continuous Improvement: Incorporate and embed continuous improvement in all standards. 
  3. Clarify expectations: Make clear the requirement to provide evidence for specific standards. 
  4. Update Requirements: In line with the evolving nature of the management of projects and higher education trends.   



  • a. 1 February 2023.

    b. As of 1 March 2023, all new applications for GAC accreditation must use the Eligibility Requirements and Accreditation Standards found in the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0).  

  • a. Programs are encouraged to immediately begin using the revised GAC Eligibility Requirements and Accreditation Standards found in the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0), in their applications for GAC accreditation.

    b. As of 1 March 2023, all new applications and those who have not received approval to progress into the Self-Assessment Report phase of the accreditation process must use the Eligibility Requirements and Accreditation Standards found in the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0).

  • a. Programs currently in the Self-evaluation Report process may base their responses and evidence on the 4th Edition of the GAC Accreditation Handbook, however

    b. Any program, whose Letter of Intent was accepted prior to 1 March 2023, choosing to use the GAC Accreditation Handbook (4.0) must have their Self-Assessment Report completed and approved by the GAC Directors by 1 October 2023 unless otherwise approved by GAC.

    c. Self-Assessment Reports not completed and accepted by GAC by 1 October 2023 must re-submit using the revised GAC Eligibility Requirements and Accreditation Standards noted in the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0) unless otherwise approved by GAC.

  • a. The process of GAC accreditation has not changed.

  • Below find a crosswalk illustrating the association between the revised and the previous GAC Eligibility Requirements and Accreditation Standards:

    GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0)
    Eligibility Requirements
    Section C


    GAC Accreditation Handbook (4.0)
    Eligibility Requirements
    Section C

    C.1: Institutional Accreditation and Legal Authority

    C.1: Institutional Accreditation and Legal Authority

    C.2 Degrees or Awards Eligible for Accreditation
    Now including:

    • Associates (Undergraduate-level Higher Diploma, Two-Year Higher Education Diploma) 
    • Academic, Credit-bearing Certificate Programs

    C.2: Degrees or Awards Eligible for Accreditation

    C.3: Period of Operation

    • Removed requirement to offer the program for a minimum of two years.

    C.3: Period of Operation

    C.4: Administrative Structure and Academic Leadership

    • New wording regarding academic and/or professional qualifications 

    C.4: Administrative Structure and Academic Leadership

    GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0)
    Accreditation Standards
    Section D


    GAC Accreditation Handbook (4.0)
    Accreditation Standards
    Section D

    D.1: Program Mission

    D.1.1: Evidence that the program has a mission statement and that it is publicly available.

    D.1.2: Description of how the program’s mission is aligned with the mission and/or vision of the academic institution.

    D.1.3: Description of how the program’s mission is relevant to the project management profession.

    D.1.4: Description of how the program’s mission contributes to society.

    D.1.5: Description and evidence of regular assessment of the program’s mission ensuring relevance to the project management profession.

    D.1: Program Mission

    D.1.1: The program’s mission statement and evidence that it is publicly available.

    D.1.2: Evidence that the program’s mission statement and supporting objectives:

    • D.1.2.1: Are consistent with the mission of the academic institution. 
    • D.1.2.2: Are relevant to the management of projects* profession and consistent with the GAC core areas of focus for program learning outcomes.
    • D.1.2.3: Clearly identify the potential students for the program. 

    D.2: Curricula and Student Achievement of Learning Outcomes

    D.2.1: Description of the academic degree or award including:

    • D.2.1.1: how it executes its mission.
    • D.2.1.2: how it reflects professional standards and/or frameworks utilized in the curricula.
    • D.2.1.3: how it serves potential and current students.

    D.2.2: List the program learning outcomes reflecting the academic degree or award level and the knowledge, skills, and/or competencies acquired throughout the program.

    D.2.3: A chart for each degree or award that cross-references the program learning outcome with the GAC core areas of focus.

    D.2.4: A chart for each degree or award that cross-references each course or subject with the program learning outcomes.

    D.2.5: Description and evidence of how curricula facilitate student engagement including collaborative activities, integrative activities, and/or environments designed to enhance student learning.

    D.2.6: Description and evidence of how curricula provide a summative experience(s) that incorporates the appropriate management of projects based on the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired throughout the program.

    D.2.7: Description of how curricula include academic content, rigor, and quality appropriate for the degree or award level as noted in GAC Expected Levels of Academic Achievement.

    D.2.8: A detailed outline for each course or subject (e.g., course description, learning outcomes, assessment methods, reading and resources) relevant to the management of projects.

    D.2.9: Description and evidence of consistent delivery of curricula across all locations and delivery modalities including regular, substantive interactions between faculty and students.

    D.2.10: Description and evidence of how stakeholders are involved in the curricula continuous improvement process.

    D.2.11: Description and evidence provided in a chart of how the achievement of program learning outcomes are assessed for each academic degree or award using direct and indirect measures of assessment. The description must include:

    • D.2.11.1: Description of a documented assessment process including, for example: what data are collected, who is responsible for collecting the data, when data are collected, the performance targets or benchmarks of achievement, how data are analyzed, and how the results are used for program improvement.
    • D.2.11.2: Evidence of the analysis of assessment data showing the extent to which students have achieved the GAC core areas of focus for all program learning outcomes.
    • D.2.11.3: Evidence of the use of these data for continuous program improvement.

    D.2: Curricula and Core Areas of Focus for Program Learning Outcomes

    D.2.1: Description of the academic degree or award, its philosophy, and references to professional standards and guides.

    D.2.2: Specific learning outcomes that reflect the academic degree level and describe what students should know and be able to do on completion of the academic degree or award.

    D.2.3: A chart that cross-references each course or subject with the academic degree or award learning outcomes and the GAC core areas of focus.

    D.2.4: Description and evidence of how curricula facilitate active student engagement in learning. In addition to traditional reading, research, and course activities, programs should provide a description of collaborative, integrative activities and environments designed to reflect workplace practices to improve student professional performance.

    D.2.5: Description and evidence of how curricula provide summative experiences based on the processes, knowledge, and competencies acquired throughout the program and incorporating appropriate management of project standards and constraints.

    D.2.6: Description and evidence of how curricula include academic content, rigor, and quality appropriate for the degree or award level.

    D.2.7: Description and evidence of how the achievement of program learning outcomes are assessed for each academic degree or award.

    D.2.8: A detailed outline for each course or subject (e.g., aim and objectives, learning outcomes assessed, content, teaching, learning and assessment strategies, reading and resources, and major assessable activities) relevant to the management of projects.

    D.2.9: Description and evidence of how consistent delivery of curricula is assured across all locations and delivery modalities.

    D.3: Program Information Integrity

    D.3.1: Description and evidence of the communications provided to the public and stakeholders about the academic degree or award.

    D.3.2: Description and evidence that program information is regularly assessed to ensure their accuracy, consistency, and relevance.

    D.3: Program Information in the Public Domain

    D.3.1: A description and examples of the information provided to students, prospective students, other stakeholders, and the general public on the academic degree or award, such as university catalogs/ prospectuses, websites, and any other institutionally authorized printed and digital materials.

    D.4: Faculty and Staff

    D.4.1: Description of the program leadership’s and support staff’s roles and responsibilities to demonstrate an adequate staffing structure.

    D.4.2: Description and evidence of the faculty workload.

    D.4.3: Description and evidence of the institutional/program standards for hiring and retaining faculty.

    D.4.4: Curriculum vitae for program leadership demonstrating academic and/or professional qualifications in the management of projects, as appropriate to the program mission and objectives.

    D.4.5: Curriculum vitae for all current faculty, demonstrating sufficient academic and/or professional qualifications in the management of projects, as appropriate to the program mission, expected levels of academic achievement, and assigned teaching responsibilities.

    D.4.6: The courses/modules offered by year and term/semester over the past two years, including course title and assigned faculty.

    D.4.7: The professional development and institutional engagement of faculty addressing the following:

    • D.4.7.1: Description and evidence of policies or processes to support faculty in acquiring new skills and knowledge.
    • D.4.7.2: Description and evidence of faculty engagement in activities to acquire new skills and knowledge.
    • D.4.7.3: Description of the interaction between the program and other programs at the institution, as appropriate to the program mission.
    • D.4.7.4: Description of program leadership and faculty’s contribution to the governance and intellectual life of the program and institution.

    D.4.8: The external engagement of faculty addressing the following: 

    • D.4.8.1: Description of contribution to the professional community.
    • D.4.8.2: Brief description of contributions to society through scholarship, leadership, and other activities.

    D.4.9: Description and evidence of how the effectiveness of faculty is evaluated and used to inform continuous improvement.

    D.4: Faculty and Staff

    D.4.1: The roles and responsibilities of academic leadership, administrative leadership, and support staff, by position.

    D.4.2: Institutional/program standards for hiring and retaining faculty.

    D.4.3: Curriculum vitae for all faculty currently teaching within the program.

    D.4.4: A schedule of courses/modules offered, by term/semester over the past two years that includes course title and assigned faculty.

    D.4.5: A brief summary and examples of institutional engagement and professional development of staff and faculty that addresses the following:

    • D.4.5.1: The interaction between the program and other programs at the institution.
    • D.4.5.2: The contributions of the faculty and administrators to the governance, intellectual and social life of the program, institution, and professional community.
    • D.4.5.3: Support for the staff and faculty in acquiring new skills and knowledge.

    D.5 Student Support

    D.5.1: Description and evidence of clear policies for program admission, as relevant to the expected level of academic achievement.

    D.5.2: Description and evidence of clear policies for academic performance and progress, as relevant to the expected level of academic achievement.

    D.5.3: Description and evidence of the academic advisement provided to students necessary to complete the program.

    D.5.4: Description and evidence of the student support services provided to meet the needs of students as appropriate to the program mission.

    D.5.5: Description and evidence of adequate and accessible library resources to support the expected level of academic achievement, including library services, holdings, and digital resources.

    D.5.6: Description and evidence of adequate and accessible facilities and technology to support the program and the needs of the students.

    D.5.7: Description of opportunities for students to participate in student and/or professional societies and activities that contribute to professional preparation and/or societal impact.

    D.5.8: Description and evidence of regular assessment of student support services.

    D.5 Students

    D.5.1: Clear policies for program admission and ongoing academic performance expectations.

    D.5.2: Descriptions of the academic advisement, evaluation of academic progress, and support provided to students necessary to complete their intended courses of studies.

    D.5.3: Descriptions of the support services provided to students that are appropriate to the mission of the program and the needs of the students.

    D.5.4: Descriptions of the library staff, services, holdings, and digital resources that are appropriate, adequate, and accessible to support the program’s learning outcomes.

    D.5.5: Descriptions of the appropriate and accessible facilities, instructional equipment, and technology to support the program and students.

    D.5.6: Descriptions of opportunities for students to participate in student and/or professional societies and activities.

    D.6: Financial Resources

    D.6.1: Description and evidence of financial resources to execute and sustain the program.

    D.6.2: Description and evidence that the program’s financial resources are regularly assessed to ensure sustainable support for the program faculty, student learning, and services.

    D.6: Financial Resources

    D.6.1: Description of how the program maintains financial adequacy and sustainability.

    Infused in each standard

    D.7: Program Improvement

    D.7.1: A description of the program’s continuous improvement process and timeline with respect to all of the GAC Accreditation Standards.

    D.7.2: A program-level summary of notable strengths, areas for improvement, and future directions.

    D.7.3: Evidence of curricular improvement and student learning, including:

    • D.7.3.1: A description of the program learning outcome assessment process.
    • D.7.3.2: Analysis of assessment data showing the extent to which students have achieved the GAC core areas of focus for program learning outcomes and use of these data for continuous program improvement.
    • D.7.3.3: The means by which faculty, students, and staff are involved in curricula review and revision.

    D.7.4: Evidence of how the effectiveness of faculty and staff is assessed and how the assessment data are used to inform continuous improvement.  

  • 1. Enhance Eligibility Requirements:  Expand GAC scope to include academic, credit-bearing certificate programs, two-year undergraduate programs, and international higher education differences. 

    2. Infuse Continuous Improvement: Incorporate and embed continuous improvement in all standards. 

    3. Clarify expectations: Make clear the requirement to provide evidence for specific standards. 

    4. Update Requirements: In line with the evolving nature of the management of project and higher education trends.  

  • a. Resources to applying for accreditation using GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0) are posted on under “Apply For Accreditation.” 

    b. Templates and guides related to the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0) are posted on the GAC Resource Library.  

    c. Training modules for programs and volunteers are available on the Resources Page.

    d. See the GAC Events page for webinars and information sessions on the GAC Handbook (5.0). 

  • a. The fee structure has not changed.

  • a. All questions may be directed to GAC Staff at [email protected].

  • a. As of 1 March 2023, any GAC accredited program completing mandatory GAC reporting requirements (e.g. Annual GAC Accredited Program Report, Substantive Change, Review and Approval of Additional Academic Degrees or Award After Primary Accreditation, and so forth) must follow the policies and guidelines contained in the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0).

    b. As of 1 October 2023, all GAC accredited programs will follow and comply with the accreditation policies, guidelines, processes, requirements and standards set forth the GAC Accreditation Handbook (5.0).