Chapter Awards FAQs

Chapter Awards Program FAQ


  • Up to 21 Chapter finalists are selected which includes one chapter in each size category per region. Of those 21 finalists, three “Chapter of the Year Award” winners are selected (one in each size category. Winners can be from any macro-region).

    Size Categories: 

    Category I: 25 – 300 Members
    Category II: 301 – 1500 Members 
    Category III: 1501+ Members 

    Regions (Up to 21 Finalists and three Award Winners): 

    1. Asia Pacific (Mentor Regions 9, 10, 15)

    2. Europe (Mentor Region 8)

    3. South Asia (Mentor Region 11)

    4. Latin America (Mentor Region 13)

    5. Middle East/North Africa (Mentor Region 12)

    6. North America (Mentor Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14)

    7. Sub-Saharan Africa (Mentor Region 16)

  • PMI chapters are invited to apply and submit the Chapter Awards Survey if they have met the following requirements:

    1. Chapters must submit the annual Charter Renewal by 31 March. This includes but is not limited to the accompanying documents required like Annual Plans and Core Services Worksheet.

    2. Chapter meets all “required criteria” as outlined in the annual Charter Renewal, Chapter Charter Agreement, and Catalog of Core Services.

    3. Chapter is chartered for one or more calendar years.

    4. Chapter is in good standing with the Project Management Institute (PMI) for the period covered by the nomination.

    5. Two out of the following three criteria were met for the business year 2023:

    a. The chapter meets or exceeds average global chapter retention rates

    b. The chapter meets or exceeds the average global score for overall member satisfaction

    c. The chapter meets or exceeds the average global score for Chapter Recommendation Score (formerly known as Chapter Net Promoter Score)

  • There is no fee required to participate.

  • Upon receipt of the criteria data, PMI Chapter Engagement team members validate that the chapter is an eligible candidate. The Chapter Awards Review Committee consists of 10 volunteers who review and score each survey application. 

    The Chapter Awards Review Committee reviews the surveys independently using a scoring evaluation process based on the individual award criteria. All scores are compiled by PMI team members. Top scoring chapters will be selected as finalists (as per the category criteria above). 

    One winner will be selected in each of the three size categories. The Chapter Awards Review Committee is not obligated to select a winner for an award if it feels that none of the participants meet the criteria.

  • The finalists and winners will be recognized during PMI Global Summit in Los Angeles, California, USA from September 18-21, 2024.

  • As a PMI Chapter, it is important to recognize your success throughout the entire PMI community. The PMI Chapter Awards Program gathers best practices to share and allows other chapters to grow and be successful based on proven programs. This program allows chapters to reflect and record their achievements for the past year.

  • 1. If a chapter pre-qualifies, they will receive an email with a link and a unique Token Number to access the Chapter Awards Survey.

    2. All responses must be in English.

    3. Be aware of the critical dates indicated in the email and on the site.

    4. Carefully review and follow the instructions and submission notes included with the Awards Survey communication (link and the survey itself).

    • Seek additional advice from PMI team member regarding the process by contacting your Chapter Administrator and Chapter Partner.
    • Award survey responses must be concise and in 500 words or less.
    • Ask an objective person (another board member) to review the Awards Survey responses.
  • 1. Membership Engagement
    Members are the lifeblood of the chapter.  How does your chapter engage its members and foster a sense of community and involvement?

    Aspects to consider:

    Engagement: Strategies the chapter employs to onboard new members and encourage participation and involvement from existing members. Programs or events designed to foster member engagement and build a sense of community.

    Community generated knowledge: Activities the chapter performs to actively involve its members to create, maintain and disseminate content.

    Diversity & Inclusion: Initiatives in place to welcome and support members from diverse backgrounds and to actively seek feedback from members to ensure that their voices are heard and valued.

    Impact: Measurable outcomes or results that can be attributed to member engagement efforts. Success stories or testimonials that demonstrate the positive impact of these activities on members and the community.

    2. Volunteer Engagement

    How does the chapter effectively engage and support its volunteers? 

    Aspects to consider:

    Recruitment, Onboarding. Strategies and channels used to attract and recruit new volunteers.  Structured onboarding processes to welcome and integrate new volunteers into the chapter. 

    Recognition and Appreciation: Activities, programs or events used to recognize and appreciate the contributions of its volunteers or its achievements. Activities to regularly express gratitude and acknowledge the value of volunteer efforts.

    Training and Development:  Opportunities (such as workshops, seminars, mentoring) the chapter provide for volunteer training and skill development. Ways the chapter support volunteers in advancing their knowledge and expertise in relevant areas.
    Engagement and Feedback. Mechanisms in place for volunteers to provide feedback on their experiences and suggestions for improvement and for the chapter to actively seek to address volunteer concerns and ensure their voices are heard. 

    Retention and Growth. Initiatives the chapter has implemented to retain volunteers and foster long-term commitment while offering opportunities for them to take on leadership roles or expand their involvement within the chapter.

    3. Communication, Awareness and Outreach

    How does the chapter effectively communicate with its members? Describe how the chapter reaches out to the broader community to create awareness about the profession and the Institute.
    Aspects to consider:

    Internal Communication: Activities and communication channels (newsletters, emails, events) used to timely communicate with its members regarding chapter news, updates, and activities and keep them informed.  

    External Communication: Activities and channels (e.g. website, social media, press releases) used by the chapter to communicate with external stakeholders, such as partners, sponsors, or the public. Checkpoints with PMI to ensure messaging is consistent with PMI purpose and strategy.

    Awareness and Branding: Venues used by the chapter to promote awareness of the profession, PMI and chapter’s activities within the community. Efforts to support PMI in building and maintaining a strong brand and identity. 

    Marketing and Promotion: Activities to promote its events and activities to maximize participation and engagement. Targeted strategies and success indicators for reaching different segments of the community.

    Community Outreach: Initiatives the chapter undertakes to engage with and contribute to the broader community. Partnerships or collaborations with other organizations or community groups to support shared goals.

    4. Events and Professional Development

    What opportunities does the chapter offer for professional growth and networking? What types of planned events does the chapter offer? Describe the valuable learning experiences and opportunities provided. How does the chapter cater to the diverse needs and backgrounds for all members?

    Aspects to consider:

    Professional Development Opportunities: Major flagship development program (congress, seminar, etc.) developed during 2023 with success criteria and KPIs. Any other professional development opportunities aimed at enhancing members' skills and knowledge and supporting them in their career advancement and professional growth. 

    Event Planning and Execution: Planning and organizing a diverse type of events that are relevant and valuable to its members and that are relevant and address current trends. Strategies to ensure that events are well-executed and provide a positive experience for attendees. 

    Content Quality: Efforts the chapter make to ensure high-quality content and speakers at its events/programs. Opportunities for members to suggest topics or speakers for future events. 

    Networking and Engagement: Activities or programs to facilitate networking opportunities at its events. Existence of networking sessions or activities designed to foster connections among members.

    Accessibility and Inclusivity: Activities to ensure that events are accessible to all members, regardless of their background or circumstances and promote inclusivity and diversity in its event programming and attendee demographics. 

    Evaluation and Feedback: Activities to evaluate the success of its events and professional development initiatives. Mechanisms in place for attendees to provide feedback on event content, format, and organization and to use the feedback to improve future events and better meet the needs of its members.

    5. PMI Culture

    To what extent does the chapter embody and promote PMI culture?

    Aspects to consider:

    Make it Easy: The chapter prioritizes simplicity and ease of access in its processes, procedures, and interactions with members. Efforts to streamline membership onboarding and administrative tasks such as event registration, member support.  Removal of barriers and obstacles to participation to make it easy for members to engage. 

    Aim Higher: Chapter is aiming for excellence for both the member experience and the works performed by the volunteers.  Chapter stays on top of industry trends and use these insights to drive even higher quality in the work they do. The chapter inspires a culture of continuous improvement and innovation among its members. 

    Be Welcoming: The Chapter foster a welcoming diverse and inclusive environment for members from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Programs in place to ensure members feel integrated into the community through either welcoming or engaging activities. Activities to promote respect, empathy, and collaboration among its members. 

    Together We Can: The Chapter emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration with other chapters or organizations in achieving common goals.  Opportunities for members to work together on projects, initiatives, or volunteer activities. 

    Embrace Curiosity: The chapter promotes a culture of curiosity, learning, and exploration among its members and volunteers. Opportunities for volunteers and members to find new ways to create value and improve. Chapter fosters an environment where is safe to experiment and share mistakes, as a route to
    Integration into Chapter Activities: The chapter integrates the PMI culture values into its activities, programs, and initiatives. Ways the Chapter use to ensure that the values are upheld and reinforced in all aspects of its operations and interactions with volunteers and members.


  • The finalist chapters will get 1) Recognition at the PMI Global Summit and 2) Use the finalist seal on the chapter website. And the winners, in addition to the above, will receive 1) a winner seal, 2) a mention in PMInsight, and 3) an award cube.

  • 31 March Deadline for Chapters to submit their Charter Renewals to PMI
    Week of 13 May Award Survey (Invitation) sent to eligible/ pre-qualified Chapters via email to the Chapter Presidents
    20 June Deadline for chapters to submit Award Survey applications (reply to Invitation) through an online platform
    24 June Award Survey application review and the scoring process begins for the Chapter Awards Review Committee
    20 July Deadline for Chapter Awards Review Committee to complete review of all entries
    1 August Award application status sent to recipients by PMI
    18-21 September Award finalists and winners recognized at the PMI Global Summit
  • The Chapter Awards Program is administered by the PMI Global Chapter Engagement Department, working closely with the Chapter Awards Review Committee of volunteers.

  • Chapters that are invited to apply will click on the invitation email. Follow the instructions in the email by selecting the unique link and entering the token number provided. Both are required to access the nomination form.

  • Once the Chapter Awards Survey is completed, the Chapter Awards Program Manager will be notified through the system.

  • Contact [email protected] and the invitation email will be resent.

  • Check your Spam and Junk Email folders.

  • Forward the invitation email to that board member, as the survey application must be accessed using the unique link and token number detailed in the invitation email.

  • A solidified due date will be included in the email invitation. After that timeframe, you will no longer have access to the form.

  • Please contact PMI Chapter Awards immediately if you are having issues accessing the form by emailing: [email protected]

  • Chapters submitting a Chapter Award survey grant PMI permission to publicize the contents for the purpose of promoting and sharing the accomplished best practices. An electronic signature or scanned signature is not necessary. By submitting the survey, the chapter is granting this permission. Sensitive information not for disclosure should be indicated at the time of submission.

Chapter Leadership Impact Award FAQ


    • The nominee must be a current PMI chapter member in good standing.
    • The nominee must be an elected or appointed Chapter board member registered in the Component System (CS) for a minimum of six months during Jan 2023 - Dec 2023 period.
    • The nominee must be nominated by another Chapter board member from the same Chapter, their Region Mentor, or regional Chapter Engagement team member (self-nomination is not permitted).
    • The nominee must exhibit no conflict of interest (all PMI members and volunteers are bound to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct).
  • The nominations, evaluation process, and scores are proprietary to PMI and will not be disclosed to nominators or nominees. The award may be granted to one volunteer per mentor region annually. However, there is no requirement that a mentor region must nominate anyone. PMI reserves the right not to select a winner for some or all mentor region in a particular year if the evaluations performed indicate that nominations do not meet the stated criteria.

  • The nomination should describe the length, type, and variety of service the candidate has given to the Chapter and/or Region and explain the impact that the candidate has made on the Chapter and/or Region and the communities it serves. The description must clearly outline why the contributions meet the stated criteria and why the contributions represent an improvement or enhancement in their leadership or make a lasting contribution to the Chapter or Region.


    • High level of commitment to the role in their chapter that resulted in:
      • PMI and chapter objectives accomplished
      • Specific chapter benefits realized
    • Significant accomplishments for which the nominee was responsible:
      • Service above and beyond the nominee’s chapter leadership role
      • Specific contributions to the chapter and/or community
    • Leadership qualities consistently and effectively demonstrated:
      • Communication skills
      • Delegation
      • Mentoring
      • Collaboration

    The awarded Chapter Leader commits to embodying PMI’s Cultural Values personally and creating an environment that encourages these values within the Chapter. Award recipients should demonstrate the following behaviors including, but not limited to:

    • Make It Easy — easy to work with and prioritizes the impact that will matter most and takes the most direct route to it.
    • Aim Higher — sets a high standard for quality work and leads the way by thinking long-term and acting in the short-term.
    • Be Welcoming — acts with humanity, showing care, empathy and respect for others’ needs.
    • Embrace Curiosity — sees challenges as opportunities to innovate.
    • Together We Can — use a shared purpose to unite as a community and drive everyone forward to create impact.
  • The PMI Global Chapter Engagement Team will send the nomination forms to the Chapter Leadership Impact Award Review Committee for evaluation. The nominator and nominee will be notified of the nomination status at the conclusion of the evaluation process. Selection and communication of nomination status must occur no later than the year's first quarter. Award recipients will be recognized on PMI’s website and social media channels, they will receive a unique digital badge, complimentary access to one new PMI educational product and an opportunity to receive an additional travel grant to attend PMI Global Summit or Leadership Institute Meeting.

  • If a nominee is not selected, he or she may be re-nominated the next year. A new nomination form must be submitted for the nominee to be considered in subsequent years. We will not consider nomination materials submitted in previous years.

  • You can email us at: [email protected]