PDU Benefit for Your Students

Core project management modules/courses within a GAC accredited program are:

  • Pre-approved for contact hours which may be applied toward the project management educational eligibility requirement needed to sit for a PMI credential examination.
  • Pre-approved for the professional development units (PDUs) which may be used by current PMI credential holders in meeting the continuing education requirement.

In order to allow students to claim contact hours/PDUs from a GAC accredited program, the program’s core project management courses/modules must be registered in PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements System (CCRS). For instructions on registering these courses, please contact GAC staff at [email protected].

Benefits to Students Enrolled in GAC Accredited Programs

  • Students eligible to sit for a PMI credential exam may immediately apply the classroom hours from a completed project management course toward the contact hour requirement, rather than waiting until they graduate from the program. The student can be confident that these hours are pre-approved, and will automatically be accepted toward fulfilling the contact hour requirement. Students who wish to claim contact hours should select “GAC Accredited Programs” as the education provider when completing the PMI credential application.
  • GAC accredited programs are now able to issue PDUs to students who complete any individual registered project management course within their accredited degree program. The PMI credential holder can be confident that these PDUs are pre-approved, and will automatically be accepted toward fulfilling the PMI continuing certification requirement. Students should claim these PDUs under “Category A – Courses Offered by PMI’s Authorized Training Partners, GAC Accredited Degree Programs, chapters and communities.”

Benefits to GAC Accredited Programs

  • GAC accredited programs will be able to advertise their project management courses as pre-approved for contact hours and PDUs to prospective students, thus attracting students starting their project management careers and current PMI credential holders.
  • The pre-approved status provides GAC accredited programs increased visibility to the PMI Membership and the global project management community. The GAC program contact hour/PDU information will be included in all applicable PMI Credential Handbooks as they are updated throughout the year.  Wherever pre-approved status is noted, GAC accredited programs will be included.

For additional information, view the Fact Sheet on PDU Benefit for Students Enrolled in GAC Accredited Programs.