
2023 Chapter Member Satisfaction Survey Results now available!
Authorized chapter leaders can now access the 2023 survey results in the Chapter Survey Liveboard. The regional responses can also be viewed in the Chapter Survey Regions Liveboard.

CRS Discontinuation

The Chapter Reporting System (CRS) was officially discontinued in July of 2023. Please continue to use ThoughtSpot, the one-stop-shop for all chapter reporting, including current/prospective membership data, certification data, and chapter membership satisfaction survey results. Please refer to this FAQ for answers to common questions.

THE DEP Web Service (API) is NOT impacted by the discontinuation of the CRS.

ThoughtSpot Roadmap

Data Available:

  • Chapter Membership: Including New and Active Member Data, Expirations and Non-Renewals, and more.
  • Prospective Member Detail: New Members in the Last 60 days, Non-Chapter Members, New and Renewed Credentialed Holders, and more.
  • Certification: Active Chapter Members with Certification, New Active Certification per Active Chapter Member, All Certification Types, and more.
  • Chapter Membership Satisfaction Survey: 2019-2023 Results Available, Years in PM, Importance of Chapter Membership to Career, Age Demographics, and more.
  • Financial Reports: Chapter Payment Summary, Chapter Payment by Subgroups, Dues Details, Tax Detail.
  • Volunteer Reports: VEP Chapter Opportunities and Applications and VEP Chapter Members Service History.
  • Certification Data Enhancement: Active Chapter Members with All Active Certifications, New Certifications, PDUs needed & PDUs approved and alignment to the Talent Triangle.
  • Regional Survey Data Results: 2019-2023 Chapter Membership Satisfaction Survey Results sorted by regions.

Data in Progress:

  • Comprehensive Chapter Statistics- Home Chapter Report
  • Financial Data enhancement and bug fixes
    • Please note these may not affect all chapters

Data Scheduled/In Consideration:
(Please note these are early considerations and may not end up getting committed)

  • Additional VEP Reporting
  • Student Club Reporting

If there are additional reports you would like to see, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “New Report Request”. Please be sure to include some details as to why the report should be considered and how it may be beneficial to you and other chapters. All requests will be reviewed in accordance with PMI data governance policy and strategic objectives before being potentially prioritized.

Resources & Training


Training Slides: See this training slides to reacquaint yourself with the PMI membership data and how to begin analysing the data using the tool’s capabilities.

CRS Discontinuation Presentation: These are the slides that were presented during the CRS Discontinuation Training Sessions.

Presentation Slides: These are the slides that PMI presented during each training session.

Data Dictionary: If you are an advanced data user, you can use this document to support your exploration of the data with an increased awareness and understanding of what the data is intended to show you.

Frequently Asked Questions: You can use this document to look for answers to some of most frequently asked questions.

Regional Analysts List: These volunteers and staff members participated in a ThoughtSpot facilitated training which has given them an in depth view of the tool’s analysis capabilities and thus, they can support you with questions in your local time zone. As a reminder, both Regional Analysts and yourselves are able to submit your questions, comments or concerns to [email protected].

Feedback Form link: Please use this form to share your questions and feedback on the ThoughtSpot platform. We know you will have feedback, whether it be constructive, bad, good or indifferent we want to hear it.

ThoughtSpot University: ThoughtSpot has developed their own extensive learning library to which you may refer, you will want to focus on the ‘Business User’ learning path. You may access this learning library by navigating to

Get Involved with Report Refinement Efforts

If you have a desire to get involved and support the ThoughtSpot project team by refining other future reports like the Certification PDUs needed vs approved, and Financial and Volunteer Reports, amongst other upcoming reports, please feel free to sign up by completing this form.

Training Overview

Chapter Survey Regions Overview
Access Passcode: Vrm5L#03

PDUs Report Overview
Access Passcode: 3R6+S.6*

Financial Reports Training
Access Passcode: wz+v!1G8

VEP Chapter Opportunities and Applications Training
Access Passcode: A&4&6.b3

VEP Chapter Member Service History
Access Passcode: 5afk!w^g

Granting Access to ThoughtSpot

Access to ThoughtSpot is granted through Single Sign On (SSO) with the existing permissions structure in alignment with the Component System (CS) - We are encouraging Chapter Presidents to look closely at the permissions for each officer listed in the CS. If the officer has the checkbox indicating access to ThoughtSpot and Charter Renewal, they will have access to the data in ThoughtSpot. If there is no desire for this officer to have access to the data within ThoughtSpot, we kindly ask for you to deselect this checkbox. Discussions with the board about the removal of the officer’s permissions and the transparent communication to the officer might be necessary.

Any officer who will be granted permission to access the membership information in ThoughtSpot should be made aware of Section 6 in the Policy Manual for PMI Chapters, which details the Chapter Use of PMI Membership and Data. These officers should read and agree to abide by the policies outlined in this section to ensure the security of their membership’s Personable Identifiable Information (PII). We do encourage the chapter’s policies to limit the number of officers with access to PII to a few with collaboration with those officers who do not have permission to access this data.

How to grant access

Contact Us

For ThoughtSpot questions- please reach out to your regional staff. They are most familiar with your specific chapter data needs! Your regional contacts can be found here.

For additional questions & support - email: [email protected]

For feedback, please submit to us directly via the ThoughtSpot Feedback Form