Lean is an approach that produces value for customers quickly through a focus on reducing delays and eliminating waste which results in increased quality and lower cost.
What is Lean?
Lean is a set of management practices that produces value for customers quickly through a focus on reducing delays and eliminating waste, which results in increased quality and lower cost.
The Five Principles of Lean
Lean is based on a foundation of principles designed to eliminate waste and to help companies improve the way they do business.
Lean Thinking and Lean Practice
Lean thinking is a mindset for creating value with fewer resources and less waste. Lean is also a practice of continuous experimentation designed to achieve perfect value with zero waste. Lean thinking and practice occur together.
Common Lean Practices
Even if you don’t know lean, you probably already know many of the lean practices.
Accelerate Value Stream Improvements with DA
Use the idealized value stream to accelerate your value stream improvements.