Marketing is a process blade of a Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE). The raison d’être for Marketing, sometimes called brand management, is to ensure successful interactions between your organization and the outside world. Your Marketing efforts will represent your organization and your offerings, both products and services, to the outside world and conversely will represent customers, and potential customers, to the rest of the organization. In conjunction with Product Management, Marketing will be actively involved with long-term visioning for your organization’s offerings.
A good definition of Agile Marketing comes from McKinsey – “[Agile marketing] means using data and analytics to continuously source promising opportunities or solutions to problems in real time, deploying tests quickly, evaluating the results, and rapidly iterating. At scale, a high-functioning agile marketing organization can run hundreds of campaigns simultaneously and multiple new ideas every week.” The Agile Marketing Manifesto, first developed in 2012, also provides significant insights about how to apply an agile approach to your marketing efforts. This includes taking a validated learning approach, being customer focused, working in a collaborative and flexible manner, and working in an evolutionary (iterative and incremental) manner.
There are several strategies you can adopt to improve your marketing way of working (WoW).