Can your organization react effectively to changes in your marketplace? Is it resilient? Does it delight its customers? Can it learn and evolve effectively? In short, is it a Disciplined Agile® Enterprise (DAE)?
The Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE)
A DAE can sense and respond swiftly to changes in the marketplace.
Complex Adaptive Systems
Organizations are dynamic networks of interacting teams that self-organize, learn, and evolve.
Value Streams
A value stream begins, ends, and hopefully continues with a customer.
Governing and Empowering Teams
Your teams are being governed, and they deserve to be governed well.
Communities of Practice (CoP)
A CoP is a means for fostering social learning across teams.
Centers of Excellence (CoE)
A CoE is a group of people with specialized skills and expertise who provide leadership and purposely disseminate knowledge.