Disciplined Agile

Agile Organizations

Agile organizations react quickly to changes in their environment.

Can your organization react effectively to changes in your marketplace? Is it resilient? Does it delight its customers? Can it learn and evolve effectively? In short, is it a Disciplined Agile® Enterprise (DAE)?

The Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE)

A DAE can sense and respond swiftly to changes in the marketplace.  

Complex Adaptive Systems

Organizations are dynamic networks of interacting teams that self-organize, learn, and evolve. 

Value Streams

A value stream begins, ends, and hopefully continues with a customer. 

Governing and Empowering Teams

Your teams are being governed, and they deserve to be governed well.

Communities of Practice (CoP)

A CoP is a means for fostering social learning across teams.

Centers of Excellence (CoE)

A CoE is a group of people with specialized skills and expertise who provide leadership and purposely disseminate knowledge.