Criterion 1
Successfully applied research outcomes in practice and/or contributed to knowledge through extraction of learning from practice.
Criterion 2
Published and subjected to peer-review in the individual’s area of expertise, and contributing to project management. Examples include journal articles, conference papers, books or book chapters, keynote presentations, or invited contributions.
Criterion 3
Published within the last two years.
Criterion 4
Presents a pragmatic approach to engineering and construction issues with a focus on:
- Engineering and construction means and methods
- Project organizations and delivery systems
- Engineering and construction performance
- Cost, schedule, and progress controls
Students, researchers, and practitioners are eligible to submit papers which advance the PMBOK Guide in the field of design, procurement, and/or construction with a useful contribution to the engineering and construction industry.
The published paper should present a pragmatic approach and solutions to engineering and construction issues, and focus on:
- Engineering and construction means and methods
- Project organizations and delivery systems
- Engineering and construction performance
- Cost, schedule, and progress controls
- Strategies, risks, challenges, advances, and issues related to contracts and procurement in design, engineering, and construction
However, some individuals are ineligible for the award.
- Current PMI team members
- Current members of PMI’s Academic Insight Team (AIT)
- Anyone who has received this award within the last 10 years
- Individuals who have failed to comply with PMI policies and procedures, including PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Current members of PMI/PMIEF’s Board of Directors may neither be nominated, nor participate in nomination or evaluation.