PMI® Certifications
Certifications for Every Stage of Your Career
PMI offers project management certifications to help you advance through every stage of your career. Our certifications empower you to work in any industry across the globe and with any project management methodology.
They’re based on rigorous standards and ongoing research to meet the demands of real-world projects and organizations. No matter what your professional goals are, we have a certification to help you reach them.
Exclusive Membership Discounts
PMI members receive up to 30% discounted pricing on certifications and certification renewals. Join or log in today to take advantage of this benefit!
Certification Resources
Learn more about the application process, exam security, and how to maintain and renew certifications. Access our certification registry and see answers to frequently asked questions.
PMI understands the importance of impartiality and will act impartially toward all certification applicants, candidate and certificants. We enforce our commitment to impartiality by continually monitoring processes to assure impartiality and by managing any apparent or perceived conflicts of interest.