Career Navigator
Move your career forward. Based on your interests and goals, Career Navigator creates a personalized action plan to match you with the perfect growth opportunities
How Career Navigator works
Take a self-assessment
What are your aspirations? What have been your formative experiences? Career Navigator builds a complete picture of you before zeroing in on your top goals. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student leading a team assignment or a systems analyst implementing new tech. We’re all managing projects, so let’s help ourselves out!
360º Reflection:
- Experience
- Career Stage
- Skills
- Certification
- Professional Development Preferences
- Goals
It’s about time! PMI has really listened to their members and created this awesome tool that is much needed for our profession!
It’s about time! PMI has really listened to their members and created this awesome tool that is much needed for our profession!
Emily L., PMP
It’s about time! PMI has really listened to their members and created this awesome tool that is much needed for our profession!
It’s about time! PMI has really listened to their members and created this awesome tool that is much needed for our profession!
Emily L., PMP