James R. Snyder Student Paper Award
This award recognizes excellence in a student research paper advancing an original concept related the management of projects. Nominees are selected based upon the research and originality including current and future developments that will maximize project success.
Submission Deadline
The call for nominations for the 2024 Awards will open on 29 February closing 29 April 2024.
Guidelines and Procedures
To be considered, the research paper must:
- Have been written within the last two calendar years while the nominee was a student in good standing at an institute of higher learning;
- Be an original academic research paper focused on maximizing project success and advancing the project management profession; and
- Be (or have been) written by a single author or co-authored with an active faculty advisor (supervisor) at the time of its completion.
- The nominee(s) is not required to be a PMI member.
Not Eligible
- Sitting members of PMI/PMIEF Board of Directors may not participate in the nomination or evaluation process and are ineligible to receive this award.
- Current sitting members of PMI’s Academic Insight Team (AIT) are ineligible to receive this award during their tenure on the AIT.
- Current PMI Team Members.
- Individuals who have failed to comply with PMI policies and procedures, including but not limited to PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, will not be considered.
- Criteria 1: Enriched knowledge by distilling insights from practical experiences.
- Criteria 2: Published work which has been subjected to peer-review in the individual’s area of expertise that have the potential to contribute to project management practice. Examples include journal articles, conference papers, books or book chapters, and peer-reviewed keynote presentations and invited contributions.
- Criteria 3: The publication must have been published within the previous two calendar years.
- Criteria 4: Should present a pragmatic approach and solutions to current and future project management issues that will maximize project success
Number of Awards
- One James R. Snyder Award will be granted annually.
- PMI reserves the right not to select a recipient for a particular year.
Application Checklist
- Basic information, contact details, etc.
- Explain the contribution that this paper makes to advance the project profession and maximize project success. (500 word max)
- Electronic copy of paper (.pdf or .doc)
- Official Transcript or Verification of Enrollment (.pdf)
- A resume or CV for the applicant with complete list of publications that specifically contribute to practice (.pdf or .doc).
- All application materials must be in English.
- Letter of Recommendation from active advisor (.pdf).
Verification and Selection
Final selection of the winning papers will be made by a panel of experts in project management. These experts will place emphasis on originality of presented concept(s), applicability to the field of project management, how the concept will maximizing project success including practical applications of the concept.
Award recipients will be notified via email. PMI reserves the right to elect not to present an award on the basis of papers received.
Presentation of the Award
- The James R. Snyder International Student Paper of the Year Award will be presented at a designated project management event.
- The award recipient will be publicized through PMI communication channels and external media after the presentation of the award. The recipient may also coordinate additional publicity with PMI after the presentation of the award
- Recipients of the James R. Snyder International Student Paper of the Year Award will receive US$500 in total for the paper submitted.
Additional Information
- PMI will not reimburse any expense for assembling the nomination or presentation materials.
- PMI reserves the right within its sole discretion, and at any time up to the time of the presentation of the award, to determine that a candidate is or has become ineligible for the award. In any such case,
- Please send all inquiries to [email protected] FAO Daniel Nicholls.