Why to Do This Practice
Working code is the best measure of progress, and the demonstration of working code maintains the buy-in and support of stakeholders. It also provides a means of feedback on whether or not the development is shaping up the way the stakeholders expected. Demos can generate new features and alter the actions of existing features. By planning well for the demo, it is possible to make sure the most valuable work is shown to be completed and acceptable and can present other work that may need clarification or is important in ways the stakeholders may not immediately see (such as infrastructure).
Who Does This Practice
Here are the roles involved in this practice:
- Team lead, who is the facilitator of the demonstration
- Product owner, who is the primary sponsor of the meeting
- Whole team
Usually, the team lead is the one to arrange the logistics of the meeting. The team lead works with the product owner to send out communications and invitations. The team lead is probably the one to document the guidance and insights gained in the meeting on behalf of the team.
What to Do
Inputs to this practice include:
- The stories of the current iteration
1. Team lead works with product owner to prepare the introduction for the demo:
- The goals of the iteration
- The commitment list and any stretch objectives
2. Team lead works with the team to identify the following:
- Stories in the iteration commitment list that were finished
- Stories in the iteration commitment list that are not complete
- Stories in the stretch objectives that were finished
- Demonstration agenda
- Sequence and script the demo
3. Prepare demo data if necessary
- Team lead creates final demo agenda and handouts if necessary
- Team lead sends out final demo agenda to stakeholders (attach to the meeting invitation)
Tools and Techniques
These items are used to plan the demonstration.
- Demonstration script
- Demo agenda
- Demo participants
The primary output is a defined demonstration meeting plan.
When to Do This Practice
Iteration demonstration planning is done in preparation for iteration demonstrations, which occur as one of the last things in iterations.
Here are some of the compelling reasons for this practice:
- Ensure demonstrations that maintain good relationship with stakeholders
- Show added value
- Gain feedback from stakeholders
April 2023
Team Lead Overview
Practices for the Team Lead
- Coaching inception
- Components of a good team board
- Controlling work-in-process (WIP)
- Daily coordination
- Decomposing a feature into a user story
- Definition of ready
- Facilitating remote teams
- Handling external interruptions
- Iteration demonstration and review (Facilitate)
- Iteration demonstration and review (Plan)
- Iteration planning meeting (Facilitation)
- Iteration retrospective (Facilitate)
- Operational metrics
- Scrum of scrums
- Unfinished work
- Visual controls