Exit Strategy

Despite the Brexit Chaos, U.K. Project Managers Remain Confident

Uncertainty looms for project professionals in the United Kingdom. But there's hope amid the Brexit chaos: Salaries are up—especially for those who change jobs.


There's been an uptick in the rate of U.K. project professionals who feel Brexit will be harmful. But, overall, personal confidence remains high.

Is Brexit impacting your level of confidence?


The personal confidence level of U.K. project professionals:



Despite Brexit, many project professionals have seen an improvement in their overall financial position compared with the previous year.


The biggest driver of pay increases? A new job.


of workers who remained in their job saw their salaries increase between 0 and 3%.


of workers who switched jobs saw increases between 0 and 3%.


of workers who remained in their job saw their salaries increase 4% or higher.


of workers who switched jobs saw increases of 4% or more.


Workers are looking to switch up their roles, and their current organizations can help—before those workers find employment elsewhere.

of U.K. professionals are open to changing their role.

of U.K. professionals are looking to change their employer.


of employees want a clearly defined job description.


of human resources leaders are redesigning jobs to prepare for the future of work.


Executives believe the highest ROI on talent investment will come from redesigning jobs to better deliver value.

Executives in high-performing companies* are twice as likely to say that job redesign makes a sizable difference to business performance.

*High-performing companies self-reported that they exceeded performance goals during the last three years.

Sources: Project Management Benchmark Report, Arras People, 2019; Project Management Benchmark Report, Arras People, 2018; Global Talent Trends 2019, Mercer, 2019



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