How To Apply for Youth Grants

At PMIEF, we are committed to continually improving how we partner with the community to support your critical work. For the fall 2023 cycle, the foundation will be operating with an invitation-only approach. In 2024, the foundation will be updating its grant grantmaking process with a goal to release more information about it in early 2024.

In the meantime, organizations are strongly encouraged to submit a brief letter of inquiry in advance of submitting a full grant application. After submission of the letter of inquiry, a PMIEF staff member will contact you, and if your organization appears to be a good match, we will invite you to submit a full grant application. Please email [email protected] with the subject: "Grant Application-Letter of Inquiry."

Letter of Inquiry/Concept Note

Please Note:PMIEF strongly advises applicants to develop and to submit a concept note as a precursor to submitting the grant application. While PMIEF does not mandate a specific format for the concept note, it should include a brief overview of the:

  • proposed initiative and how it aligns with our areas of focus;
  • anticipated outcomes of the initiative and number of youth enabled to project management by country;
  • professional development needs for staff in order to increase organizational efficiency;
  • professional development needs for educators/volunteers who will be presenting project management concepts to youth;
  • how impact will be measured;
  • potential challenges in executing the initiative;
  • partners, if any, that will support the initiative; and
  • organizational contact information, including the name(s), e-mail address(es) and telephone number(s) of the key person(s).

In addition, the concept note should provide a summary of the applicant’s organizational mission as well as an estimate of the grant amount to be requested.

How to Apply

Orange icon indicating how to apply for a grant

Access the grants application portal: PMIEF Grant Application