Karen Tate, MBA, PMP
PMI Fellow, 2009
Karen Tate is the president and founder of The Griffin Tate Group, Inc. (TGTG), a Women’s Business Enterprise National Council-certified business and PMI Charter Global Registered Education Provider specializing in training for the project management community. Her company employs a practical, interactive approach to teaching project management practices, processes, tools and leadership techniques to professionals in organizations around the world. Prior to founding TGTG, she held various corporate positions in project management, procurement, construction and engineering. TGTG has provided training and/or consulting with numerous Fortune 500 companies in the industrial/manufacturing, pharmaceutical/health care, oil/gas/energy, and insurance/financial services sectors. Over the course of her career, Ms. Tate has utilized various teaching styles to help thousands of students master the complexities of project management. She is the co-author of many highly regarded titles on the topic, including The Project Management Memory Jogger™; The Advanced Project Management Memory Jogger™; The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course on Project Management; Perfect Phrases for Project Management; Getting Started in Project Management; The Risk Management Memory Jogger; and Triz: An Approach to Systematic Innovation. At the close of 2008, Ms. Tate completed her second elected term on the PMI Board of Directors. As a PMI volunteer, Ms. Tate has given hundreds of presentations at events around the world, including keynote speeches at several chapter professional development days. She has been a PMI SeminarsWorld® instructor since 1996, and has presented continuing education seminars for numerous PMI Chapters since 1998. Ms. Tate holds an MBA from Xavier University and a Bachelor of Science in finance from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, with her family.