Requirements Management: Core Competency for Project and Program Success

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Requirements are involved in many issues that cause project failure, including scope creep, poor communication, lack of stakeholder involvement and inadequate sponsor support. Our Pulse of the Profession® study revealed that nearly half (47 percent) of unsuccessful projects fail to meet goals due to inaccurate requirements management.

The goal of this research was to see how organizations perceive and approach requirements.

This study found that organizations who focus much more attention on these three areas can greatly improve the effectiveness of their requirements and business analysis capabilities:

  • People — Organizations need to have the necessary resources in place and recognize and develop the needed skills
  • Processes — These must be standardized and formalized at the project and program levels
  • Culture — Creating a sense of urgency at the top is necessary so that sponsors value requirements as a critical competency of projects and programs

Poor requirements = Poor performance. Download the report and begin to bolster requirements management at your organization.

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Part of Pulse of the Profession®, The High Cost of Low Performance 2013 series
