Permissions Form

For non-personal use of many PMI articles, papers, and publications (excluding all PMI standards), you can obtain permission instantly using the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Republication Service at Use the search bar in the upper right of CCC's site to check if the material you need can be granted by this service.

All other requests for PMI materials must be submitted through this form. This form is to request Permission for many types of use for PMI materials, so not all fields may be applicable to your request. Please be as detailed and complete as possible. Any vague or incomplete submissions will delay the processing of your request. You will receive a response after submitting the form once PMI has a chance to review your request. This may not be an immediate reply and your patience is appreciated.

Information about the individual and/or organization submitting the request. (Per Copyright Law, requestor must be a member or employee of the requesting organization.)

Permission Information

Please identify the exact PMI copyrighted material(s) you wish to use. (If you are requesting multiple publications, please provide detailed citation information under Other Useful Comments at the end of this form.)

If the requested content will be used in another work, please provide the following detailed information concerning the manner in which the PMI copyrighted material will be used:

If the material will be used in a presentation format, please provide the following detailed information:

If you are requesting electronic or digital rights to the material, please provide the following detailed information: