General Nomination Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in applying for a PMI Professional Award. Please read each section carefully and sign where directed on your online nomination that you have read and have complied with these directives. These guidelines are a must read for your nomination.

Each award has specific requirements. Please review the requirements listed on the award page for which you wish to apply. Please visit the Professional Awards page to review all professional awards.

Purpose of the PMI Professional Awards

Project Management Institute (PMI) strives to offer a professional awards program that encourages and recognizes the accomplishments of project management professionals and organizations around the world. PMI places a high regard and value on recognizing and honoring those who have made significant and memorable contributions to the Institute and to the project management profession. You can honor superior performance when you nominate excellent projects, project management professionals, and organizations for a PMI Professional Award.


  • Eligibility differs for each award.
  • PMI affiliation may or may not be required for a nominee or nominated project.
  • For additional information, refer to each individual award guidelines posted on the specific award page.

Not Eligible

  • Current PMI staff, PMI contractors, and/ PMI consultants are not eligible for any award.
  • Acts performed under contract to PMI, directly or indirectly, will not be considered.
  • Current sitting members of PMI’s Board of Directors, PMI Education Foundation’s Board of Directors, or any Board Support Committees may not participate in the nomination or evaluation process of an award, nor are those members eligible to receive an award.
  • Current sitting members of the PMI Professional Awards Insight Team may not participate in the nomination process of an award, nor are those members eligible to receive an award.
  • Individuals or organizations that have failed to comply with PMI policies and procedures, including but not limited to PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, will not be considered.
  • For additional information, refer to each individual award guidelines posted on the specific award page. 


  • Specific criteria are outlined in each award Application.
  • Nominations must address all of the criteria elements.
  • For additional information, refer to each individual award guidelines posted on the specific award page.


Nominations for the 2022 PMI Professional Awards are now closed. Please join us at PMI Global Summit in Las Vegas, NV, USA in Q4 2022 where we will announce this year’s winners.


  • There must be one designated Lead Nominator with whom PMI will communicate regarding the nomination.
  • Lead Nominator’s responsibilities:
    • Must have knowledge of the nominated project or nominee and the project management principles applied.
    • Must document any direct personal or professional relationship of the lead nominator to the nominated project or nominee.
    • Must ensure the nomination package is complete at the time of nomination.
    • Must review the specific eligibility, restrictions, and content outlined on each award document.
    • Must sign off on the electronic PMI Permissions and Release Form.
      • PMI Permissions and Release Form: The nominee/client/owner of any body of work being considered for a PMI Professional Award must complete and sign the form confirming whether he or she did, or did not, use any PMI trademark, logo or copyrighted content from any PMI publication. Usage will require permission from PMI in the form of a permission agreement or license available at The award nomination package must provide the PMI Permission Agreement Title or License Number in Box A of the PMI Permissions Form, available on each awards web page. If no PMI intellectual property has been used in the body of work being considered for a PMI Professional Award, please complete Box B on the PMI Permissions Form. Signing of the form also grants PMI the non-exclusive right to use any submitted copyrighted materials for any business-related purpose, including press releases, and other marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to videos as well as case studies. Lead Nominators (unless you are also the nominee/client/owner of the body of work) must forward this form to the nominee and ensure that the nominee signs, dates, and returns the form that must be included in the nomination package. The form will not count toward the stated page count maximum.


  • Nominations must be submitted online and received no later than the due date shown under “Deadline”. Nomination packages will not be accepted after the nomination deadline.
  • All submitted material must be in English. Please use global English as PMI awards are evaluated by an international committee who may not be familiar with acronyms and terms from your organization, industry, or country.
  • Any additional documentation in alternate media formats, such as multimedia, will not be evaluated.
  • For additional information, please refer to each individual award’s web page for guidelines and criteria.

Deceased Nominee

  • If an individual is deceased, they may be nominated for a PMI Professional Award during the call for nomination for the following calendar year. A deceased nominee cannot be nominated for an award past the following calendar year’s call for nominations. If a nomination requires membership, the individual must have been a PMI member in good standing at the time of passing. 
  • If awarded, the individual will be honored at the same time as the other award winners. The award trophy can be sent to the deceased’s family if the family requests it.

Fee Structure

  • There is no fee to submit a nomination for PMI’s professional awards.
  • PMI will not reimburse any expenses for assembling the nomination package or for any presentation materials that may need to be created should the nomination be selected as a winner.

Verification, Evaluation, and Selection

  • The PMI Professional Awards Program Staff will contact the Lead Nominator to confirm receipt and eligibility of the nomination package.
  • The PMI Professional Awards Program Staff will verify the nominations eligibility.
  • The PMI Professional Awards Program Staff will send the nomination package to a designated panel of evaluators, who are subject matter experts, for evaluation.
  • The nominations, evaluation process, and scores are proprietary to PMI and will not be disclosed to nominators or nominees.
  • The Lead Nominator and Nominee will be notified of the status of the nomination at the conclusion of the evaluation process.
  • Selection and communication of nomination status must take place no later than the third quarter of the year.

Presentation of the Award

  • The PMI Professional Awards are presented at the PMI Global Summit in the fourth quarter.
  • The award finalists/winners will be presented a trophy. No cash awards are offered.
  • PMI reserves the right within its sole discretion, and at any time up to the time of the presentation of the award, to determine that a nominee is or has become ineligible for the award. In any such case, PMI will notify the nominee and/or lead nominator of its decision as soon as possible prior to the award presentation.
  • PMI reserves the right to rescind the award if it is discovered that any information submitted as false or misleading.
  • The award winner will be publicized through PMI communication channels and external media after the presentation of the award. A winner may also coordinate additional publicity with PMI after the presentation event.
  • PMI may use submitted copyrighted materials for any business-related purpose, including press releases, and other marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to videos as well as case studies.


Thank you for your interest and support of the PMI Professional Awards Program.